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I was exhausted.

So it was safe to say I was really tired and I just wanted to go to bed. Liam pulled his car into his driveway. He cut the engine, and turned slightly so he can look at me.

Being under his stare, I suddenly felt hot. I tried not to smile. "What?" I asked with an eyeroll. "Do you need a beating?"

Liam grinned and placed his arm on the passenger seat, almost touching the back of my neck. "Whoa that's sexy," he said chuckling, "you keep surprising me, you know. I like that. You don't just display yourself. You show people what they want to see. I dig that."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Damn. At least he figured something out about me. Of course I wasn't going to tell him that.

His ego was big enough. Looking to my left, Liam's eyes never left my face. "Yeah well, I'm just protecting myself. I don't like being vulnerable."

Liam licked his lips, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Protecting yourself from what? Is that why you hate the world so much? Because someone broke your heart?"

I sighed, and ran my hand through my hair. "I'm protecting myself from the things I fear! A great damage of a broken heart, and I don't want that anymore," I said, and exhaled before adding, "and I don't hate the world, I'm different and that intimidates them."

He looked at me so intently, I felt the heat rush up to my face. He inched closer or maybe I was imagining it. Dear God, I hope it was my imagination. His umber eyes dashed toward my lips before meeting my eyes.

My breath quickened, and my heart hammered in my ribcage. Oh my God. Was I about to let him kiss me? I wanted to move but my limbs kept me in place.

I could smell his cologne - strong and inviting. I could feel his breath on my face, and just as he was about to place his lips onto mine, his elbow accidentally pressed the horn.

I jumped, and held my hand over my heart. "Holy shit," I cursed, and sighed. "That scared the shit out of me."

Liam laughed, and liked his lips again. He didn't even look fazed about what just happened a few seconds ago. "Always with the language," he teased, grinning all too widely. He cleared his throat. "I am certain things are going to work out with Adam."

Looking him into the eyes, there was no mischief or trouble. He said it genuinely, and his face confirmed it. I smiled and glanced down at my sweatpants. "Thank you, Liam," I responded, "wow I can't believe this is the very first time I don't want to actually kill you."

He grinned at me. "If you had to kill me, you'd soon follow 'cause you won't be able to live without me," he flirted, and I had to roll my eyes.

I chuckled, and slapped his arm playfully. "Don't be so cocky, its disturbing."

When our laughter subsided, I cleared my throat and picked up my backpack from the car floor. "I'll see you never, and I hope you have a bad night."

Liam laughed and shook his head. I shut the car door, and bent slightly to look at him through the window when he called my name. "You just said you are warming up to me, Dalley! Also, I sent you a song. Listen to it. It's called Found by Ella Mai."

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now