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"Dalley, can you kiss?"

I stared at Liam, his amber eyes had the usual trouble and mischief in them. We were currently sitting across from each other in the local diner in town. It was known for its famous coffee and delicious food.

Liam decided he'd want to discuss a few things with me. I protested, of course, because I was not going to be a victim of his shenanigans. And it was late at night, I needed my beauty rest, but Liam insisted to drag me along.

Pursing my lips into a thin line, he leaned forward on his elbows. "And if you can't, we'd have to come up with a plan as soon as possible."

"Of course I can!" I defended myself, rolling my eyes. "I've kissed several boys in the past, so don't you dare judge me for who I am. I know everything so don't test me."

He gave me a small smile, and waved his hand to dismiss what I just said. It was like he could see through me. "I don't believe you and guess what? Neither does my guts."

Glaring at him, I threatened, "I don't care what your gut thinks because it's going to be removed pretty soon."

Liam chuckled as he held his hand in front of his mouth in a very dramatic manner. He was infuriating.

"Oh my God, you can't kiss? Wow, so much for someone who has a big mouth," he said teasingly with a grin on his face. "See, Dalley, you don't have a say anymore," he added, his umber eyes brightening up as he scanned the coffee shop. He pointed to a very good looking guy behind the counter. "What about waiter boy? He looks decent. I'm sure he won't say no."

I wanted to deny the fact that I couldn't kiss, but he just caught me like a animal stuck in a snare. If I defended myself long enough maybe he'd change his mind.

"What are you doing? I can kiss so drop it already," I snapped with a bit of annoyance in my voice. "Why am I even in this diner with you?"

Liam clearly didn't get any of me, no wonder we didn't get a long as well as we did. And no wonder I wanted to kill him as bad as I did.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Your brother bailed on me, remember? I'm still gonna drop his head into a toilet bowl," he threatened, but shook his head and his eyes found mine. "And we're getting you someone to kiss, just for practice anyway."

He grinned at me that I was very fond of, and my heart did a weird flipping thing for no reason.

"Well, you have my personal life with you so who knows —" then something hit me like bucket of ice water, "— you sneaky bastard! You knew Lilly likes a pinkity drinkity because it's written in my diary!"

At first, his eyes grew wide in shock then in a split second, it disappeared. "Hey now, I may or may not have read some things in there. And your personal sex dreams about Channing Tatum."

I covered my face with my hands. "We're not going there, Blackwell. This is where I cut all communication with you," I said through my hands, and I removed it from my face. "That's invasion of privacy by the way."

He barked out a laugh, and I quickly added, "and no, I'm not kissing anyone. And I am so not loosing my lip virgin... uh, I mean, I'm not just kissing anyone. Decision made. You can't change my mind."

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