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"Do you guys think I'm pretty?"

Maya was lying on my bed, eyes glued to the ceiling in deep thought. Legs dangling over the matress, her short dark hair was spread around her head.

I thought she was gorgeous in so many ways. She had courage I'd die to have. Maya could literally win anyone's heart, but she didn't believe that.

"I mean, I think I am," she added softly, almost a whisper. "But how come no one wants me? This shit is sad, honestly. I'm trying everything in my power to get someone to like me, but it's just not working out. Ugh, I don't know what do think anymore!"

Uncrossing my legs on the green bean bag near my closet, I pulled them up to my chest and rested my chin on my kneecaps. "I'd kill to have your eyes honestly speaking. They're this chocolate brown almost like honey. On the other note, you will get a boyfriend, don't worry. Give it time and eventually someone will notice you. Don't try too hard though, because people are going to think you're desperate."

"But I am desperate!"

Lilly was busy painting her fingernails a bright red colour that matched her red dress that fitted her figure perfectly.

"You're beautiful, Maya," I told her as I looked at her. Her eyes were still glued to the ceiling. "I'm the least prettiest one out of our trio. Adam doesn't want me because he's not even gay, and no one looks in my direction at school."

That made Lilly look at me with a scowl on her face. "You can't say that. All three of us are pretty and we're owning that shit. We don't need boys to tell us how pretty we are. We already know that so we're gonna slay," she stated with a snap of her fingers.

Maya sat up on my bed, her grin matching mine. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she said, "fuck boys, they ain't shit. Well, except you Dale, you're the only guy that's decent around here. Apart from Liam."

Putting my index finger into my mouth, I pretended to gag. Lilly giggled at me. "He's quite handsome," she responded and when I gave her a deadly glare, she quickly added, "and evil like you always say. We know your hatred for him runs deep."

"Also," Maya piped in, "he's your brother's best friend so I'm pretty sure he's around a lot."

I had to roll my eyes. "Don't remind me," I told them honestly. "It's like he wants a reaction out of me so don't be surprised when you find a dead corpse in the back of my yard."

If Liam kept pushing me I was going to poison him, there's no doubt in my mind. Maya laughed as she grabbed her phone from the nightstand.

"We should get going," she said bringing me back to reality of going to hell. "I don't want my head to be chopped off by Mr. Carter. Total mood killer if you ask me."

Lilly giggled as she screwed the cap back on of the nail polish, and placed it on the dresser. A sudden thought invaded my mind as I grinned. "Oh! I just remembered I have class with Adam this morning. Can't wait to eye sex his head!"

The two of them exchanged glances before dissolving into a fit of laughter. Their laughter was contagious and I soon found myself laughing with them.

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora