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Emery's pov

She didn't tell them everything

They didn't even know who raped her

Drake Mindosa, apparently, is a very bad man, the club has tried to take him down, but he always got away.

No one really knew why he hates the club so much, they just assumed that is was because of the clubs reputation, but no

It's because of my mom and his obsession with her

And now because of me, because we share the same blood

Killer is so angry, sitting behind his desk in his office, while Blade,Scar, mom and I stood in front

She just got done telling them the whole truth

Killer looks ready to......well kill

"Is there any more secrets that needs to come out, if so let them the fuck out" he was literally seething. I slowly raised my hand, I don't know what else to do

My siblings chuckled a little bit, and the adults smiled at me, just a small one, but the air did get lighter in the room

"You don't have to raise your hand Emmy" my mom said "you got something on your mind?" I looked around the room and then I stared down at my feet, before slowly taking out my phone, and going to the message and picture, before giving it to Killer

I feel sorry for Drake Mindosa, is my only thought as I seen the face that Killer is making, I thought he was mad before, but this time, I'm getting scared of him

He's not going to hit me or anything.....right?

Not knowing the answer to that question I took a step back away from the desk and my step dad. It didn't go unnoticed by the people in the room

Blade put a arm around my shoulder, and Killer's eyes soften "I didn't mean to scare you baby doll, I'm not mad at you, but you should have told us this sooner"

"Told us what?"

"What dose it say?" While my mom and sister asked questions, Blade just held me, tightly.

"I know I should of told you all, but I..... I was scared to, I didn't know what to do" I told Killer, Scarlet made a frustrated sound

"Tell us what Emery?" She asked our moms previous question

Killer gave mom my phone and my siblings looked over her shoulder, before looking at me

"What the fuck sis , you should have told us!" I looked down at my feet feeling tears coming to my eyes as Scarlet practically yelled at me

"I'm sorry" I whimpered out. I jumped when I felt arms going around me

"No body is going to hurt you or those kids, I won't let it happen" said Scar as she hugged me tight, she actually looked....scared.

"None of us will" said Killer as he stood up. I looked around the room, at my family, and smiled, wiping the tears away

Killer walked to the door, stopping to put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a fatherly squeeze, before opening the door and yelling out Church.

Beast is about to find out

Time skip

I don't know much about the Church meetings, but they have been in there for about 2 hours now, and even Scar and Miley looks nervous cause they have been in there for a long time

Mom is to, but she decided to make lunch to get her mind off of it


"Yes Millie?" I replied looking down at the beautiful little girl as her brother played with the cars Virus gave him

"When is uncle Blade coming out of that room, he promised he would have a tea party with me" she said with a pout

"Uncle Blade?"

"Tea party?"

Me and Kala asked at the same time, while Scar and Miley busted out laughing, I smirked, he ain't ever going to live this down

"That is sweet" said Kala, with an appreciative look on her face, I just looked at her, Kala never uses words like sweet to describe a guy.

But before I can ask her about it, the doors to church opened up and everyone walked out, looking fucking pissed

But when Beast came out, everyone parted for him, not wanting to get in their vice presidents way with the look on his face.

I even got a little scared as he looked at me, but his eyes soften a little before he started to walk towards me.

"You wanna go on a ride?" I looked at him then at Kala. It was getting late out and we had to get the kids back to the group house and to bed

"You all can stay the night, if you want to, I mean." Said my mom, looking nervous "We have a couple of spare rooms in our house and I can call and ask Hillary if you want me to, I know you will have to ask her first and-"

"Mom" I said cutting her off, tears sprung to her eyes as I called her that one word "We would love to stay" I said looking at Kala and the kids for confirmation, they nodded their heads yes.

Looking back at my mom, I noticed that the tears fell before she wiped them away quickly "Great! Ill go and tell Hillary" she said before rushing off to Killer's office, where he had disappeared to

I glanced at Beast before blushing and looking down at our shoes nodding my head yes

"Words baby" he said and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice

" O....ok, I'll go on a ride with you" I gazed into his eyes, and of course I was blushing, before a thought came to me and I looked around in a panic

"Hey hey what's wrong?" He asked stepping closer to me and putting his hands on my arms

"What if.....what if he is waiting for me out their?" I asked him looking at the door to leave the club house, leave my current safe haven

Noah growled "I won't let anything happen to you, nothing" I smiled up at him, my heart beating a thousand miles a minute, figuratively speaking of course

"Ok my beast man" I said with a giggle, that's exactly what he is though, my Beast man....well I guess he's not 'my' anything

That thought took the smile off of my face, but looking up at him and seeing the big smile, not a smirk or a half a smile, but a real smile on his lips made mine come back, before he was taking my hand in his and we started to walk to the door.

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