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Beast pov

The night that my mom was murdered in front of me and Smiles, is a night I will always remember.

We were just kids at the time, I was 11 and my brother was 9.

A couple of people from a rival club had broken into our house looking for my dad, but found Smiles, our mom, and I. Everyone was at the clubhouse, but me and my brother decided to stay back with our mom until she got ready.

They had tied me and my brothers hands behind our backs and made us watch as they raped her, and then beat her.

They didn't search me and Smiles for any weapons, but by the time I cut through the ropes with my pocket knife I always held with me, and shot them all in the heads, starting with the man on my mom, she was already gone, dead by the injuries they gave her with the beatings

It broke my dad. They were highschool sweethearts, even after years of beging with each other, the love they had for one another could have been seen clearly by a blind person

He never got with anyone else, said that she was it for him.

What happened between them to, made me who I am with women, fuck and dump.

I know it's a bad concept, but, I'm a no relationship guy. It's a way of protecting my self from the pain of possibly loosening the women that I could fall in love with

Of protecting myself from the hurt and pain and guilt my dad went through

But Emery

Fucking Emery, this girl makes that rule, the rule of never falling in love, go down the fucking drain with just one look from her with those big bright and beautiful eyes of hers

And with the way she looks on the back of my bike, made those feelings get so much stronger

"Hold on tight baby, lean-"

"Lean when you lean so we don't crash and die" she finished for me, I looked back at her in surprise

" Who told you that?"

"Half sac and Scar, me and Kala had to ride with them on their bikes so-"

"What!?" I growled out, getting on the back of a bikers bike means something in the biker work

It means that you are theirs.

And those fucking prospects knew that

They are dead

No one puts my girl on the back of their bike, she belongs on mines and only mines

"It was when I came to the club house for the first time, neither of us has a car so-"

"You don't know what that means, do you?" She looks at me confused, and pouted her lip at me

"Stop interrupting me, and know what, what means?" I just looked at her for a minute, my cock growing hard at her sassy little attitude

" Never mind, just don't get on the back of anyone's bike, but mine, if you do, their will be a punishment, do you understand baby?" I told her with a husky voice, a smirk had spread on my lips when I felt your thighs try to clap shut around me when I brought up the punishment

My innocent baby has a freaky side

"I understand Noah" she replied back to me, whispering it in my ear, with lust in her voice.

I growled , my hand going tighter around the handle bars to the point where my knuckles turned white

My dick fully awake

Hearing her say my name for the first time, while she is turned on makes me want to take her hard and fast on my bike, I just know that when I get inside of her, I won't want to get out of her pussy

But I know I am going to have to take it easy with her, she's not one of the bunny's that hang around the clubhouse, she isn't going to jump from one guy to another- no guy is going to fucking touch her but me

"So, where are we going?"

The part that really gets me fucking going, is the fact that she doesn't even try and my dick gets hard for her, it's like she don't know the effects she has on me, mentally and physically.

Clearing my throat I replied "it's a secret" before turning on my bike, "You ready!" I yelled over the rumble of my bike, I felt her arms, that were locked around my waist, tighten

"Yes, I'm ready!" That's all I needed before I put the kick stand up, and we were off, high tailing it out of the compound and towards our destination.

Having Emery on my bike, makes me feel....... complete

Having her get lost in the ride, with her happy squeals everytime we going around a corner, or when she tells my in my ear to go faster, has me realizing that this girl, this beautiful, kind, and innocent 16 year old girl, is going to be it for me

And that scares me to no end

When we finally arrive to where I was taking her, she gasped.

I took her to this clearing in the woods, I have came here so many times to think or to just be alone, that I know my way around these woods like the back of my hand so getting my bike up here is no problem

There is this cliff. When you look off of the cliff, you can see the whole town, and when you look up, the sky is littered with thousands of stars

It's quite, and no one comes up here, so it's kinda isolated. But that why I like it, and I think Emery dose to

"This beautiful" she said in awe as she walked over to the cliff and sat down, with her legs dangling off the side.

The wind blew her hair all around her, her head tilted back so she can look at the stars

She's a complete and utter masterpiece.

"Are you coming Noah?" Yup, everytime you say my name, I've learned.

I walked over to her and sat down behind her, she didn't even heasitate to lean her back against my chest, and neither did I when I wrapped my arms around her waist

This women is slowly taking my whole heart, and I'm only slightly afraid to admit it

What I won't be afraid to do though, is torture Drake Mindosa, for even thinking he can text my girl and threaten her and those kids

Emery wasn't going to be hidden from him forever, everyone knows that, but once I'm done with him, no one will ever be able to find him

He's going down, I'm going to make sure of it.

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