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Emerys pov

"Why is there popcorn all over the floor?" Me and Kala looked at each other after our laughing fit when Nonna asks us this

" Well you see.....yea I got nothing, Emery?" I glared at Kala when I felt everyone's eyes go on me, is it so hard to say that we had a popcorn fight

"Um, we had a popcorn fight, but we will clean it up" I told her while standing up. See, not that hard Kala. When I looked down to role my eyes at my sarcastic thought, I noticed bags in her hands and a couple in one of the guys hands, "want us to take those?" I asked nodding my head towards the bags

I started to blush when I seen the guy that is smirking at me look me up and down, shit I forgot

I'm in my pajamas

Booty shorts and a crop tank top..... I started to feel uncomfortable, and Nonna could tell

" No, it's fine, you guys go change and then come clean this up, we have guests for the day" she told us all and we nodded. I took one more look at all of them, until they landed on one of the older women, she looks so familiar......I've seen her here before

Before I can give it to much thought, Kala took my hand and dragged me upstairs with Max and Millie in front of us, whispering and giggling.

Beasts pov

"She.....she seems so.... innocent" Killer finally let out as we were all seated at the table while this Hillary chick cooked.

" She is, she doesn't like to curse, she hates it actually, she doesn't like to smoke says it will kill you, same goes for alcohol" said Hillary "but you don't want to get on her bad side, she hardly ever gets mad, I've only seen her mad 3 times in her whole life, and trust me she is scary, it's like a whole new person."

That's my girl......

" Well I wouldn't expect anything less then that, she is my sister" said Scarlet while glaring hard at her mom "my only sister, that I don't have a bond with" she adds bitterly, Hillary looks at her sharply

"Now you listen here girly, your mom did what was best for Emery, it was one of the hardest things she had to do, she might be you sister, but she is Jess's daughter. Emery is alive right now cause of the sacrifice that you momma made, show her some damn respect you hear?" Scarlet looks down at her lap in shame, no one dares to go against what Hillary just said, cause it's the truth. And also cause she is a bit scary

"I'm sorry momma, I was so upset about not being in my sister's life, that I didn't even think about how you feel" Scarlet said, looking up at her mom

"It's ok baby, I should have told you guys about her" Jess said with a smile

"Damn straight" said Killer "Babydoll, we could have helped her, she's your child, which means that she is mine to, she is family, we all stick together in our family" Jessica looked at him with tears in her eyes

" I was scared" she finally admits, her voice breaking "He knows about her Stephan, he-he's going to-to-" she couldn't finish her sentence before breaking down again

"A-are you ok?" Says a soft voice from the door way, we all snap our eyes to look at Emery

Damn.....She looks beautiful

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of her voice

"What's wrong-" she cut herself off with a gasp, she then glared at Killer "Are you being mean?" She questions angerly while crossing her arms over her chest, I think she is trying to look intimidating.....but she just looks adorable

Killer laughs "No sweetheart, Jessica here is just...on her monthly.....thing" he says with a smirk while Jess hits his arm with a laugh

"Oh......I can give you some of my chocolate, but you can't tell the others, they will steal it all from me" she tells Jess, whispering the last part

Jess smiles a little bit at her and just stares at her daughter for a couple of minutes

"That will be perfect....I'm Scarlet by the way, and don't worry, your secret is safe with us" Emery smiles and nods

" My name is Emery" oh we all know that

Emerys pov

Rushing up the stairs after I meet all of them, I go to my room

Beasts, the guy that was staring at me, his name is Beast, but I don't think it is his real name, cause who names their kid Beast..... although it is cute, I wonder if he has a beauty in his life- wait no stop Emery

I blush a deep shade of red at that thought.

I think I just ruined beauty and the beast for myself

I go to the wall by my bed, and move the picture of a horse that I have on it to get to my secret hiding spot, which is really just a big hole in the wall, and grabbed out a candy bar for Jessica, before covering the hole back up

I know this will help her, it always dose for me when I'm about to start my shark week

I laugh, me and Kala calls our period shark week, not just cause we.....bleed down.....there, but cause Max and Millie says how we are more vicious when that one weeks comes every month.

I shut my door and head for the stairs again, but I get slammed in a wall and the chocolate drops from my hand as I gasp in pain

" Hey baby, did you miss me?" I whimper at the sound of his voice


He hasn't been out of his room at all this morning, I figured I would be safe, guess not

"Please let me go" I tell him in a panic, Kala's not with me this time.....and i'm scared

Think Emery, think.....I can scream, Kala is in her room, a couple of doors down helping the kids get dressed, she will hear me, but as I go to open my mouth to do just that, he slams his hand on my mouth really hard, I think I can taste blood, it doesn't taste good.

"Not this time Emery, no one will help you this time"

I think I'm going to have a panic attack

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