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Emerys pov


"Shhhh don't scream"

" Don't scre- Kala what in the heck are you doing in my room, and why did you jump on me- IS THERE A FIRE!" Pushing my best friend, Kala Ormand, off of me, I jump up off of the floor, where we had landed when she decided to scare me awake.

" What? No there isnt a fire, I just wanted you to wake up to make me some breakfast, I'm starving, and no one else is awake, besides for Liam, but he is in his room doing God knows what"I glare at her as she gets off of the floor, although I can't help the shudder that went through me when she brings up Liam Smith.

Liam is a rude 17 year old boy whos room is a couple doors down from mine. He is always trying to get in my panties, but everytime I turn him down nicely he says mean words to me or pushes me against a wall and tries to kiss me, Kala is always there to stop him, but she can't stop the bruises that shows up on my wrist or waist from when he grabs me.

I guess it's not his fault though, I bruse easily.

" You can always try to cook- actually nevermind, get out so I can change please, I'll be down in a minute" I tell her, I cringe at myself for even thinking of her make any food, she found a way to blow up the microwave by making noodles, I'm not kidding, the whole microwave was in flames.

She claps and smiles, kissing me on the cheek she replies with a "YAY" totally ignoring the insult I aimed her way

Going into my closet after she leaves, I pull out a simple green tank top with Jean shorts, slipping on my white worn down converse shoes on my way out of the door.

I live in a group home, it's a place where children that have no one is put into, kinda like an orphanage, but with way less kids.

I have been here for as long as I can remember, after being sent to a couple of foster homes, people just stopped wanting to fostering me, and for that I am happy.

Being a 16 year old girl in the system is not easy, it's like everyone is against you, besides for Nonna of course. Nonna, Hillary James, is the owner of the group home, she is 67, but don't let her age trick you, she will run after you with a broom in a hot second if you are disrespectful.

I love her though, she is like the grandma I never had, literally.

Laughing to myself, I make it to the stairs and take two at a time down them.

Noah"beast" pov

Groaning, I grab the club whores hair harder as she sucks me off. I'm just about to cum when someone starts banging on my door

Rolling my eyes I pull the bitch off of me and put myself back in my pants, leaving the girl- I forgot her name- on her knees while she whines for me to come back so that I can fuck her

Honestly I'm glad that I didn't get a chance to stick my dick in her cause damn this bitch is whiny as hell, which means she will become a clingy wanna be old lady

Opening the door I grin at my brother, my actual blood brother, Jax "Smiles, what's up man" Smiles is his road name, like Beast is mine. He got his name cause of the way he smiles as he watches the life leave his victims eyes

" Boss called church, he seemed pissed as fuck, his old lady crying at the bar" raising my eyebrows, I look at him for a minute

" crying?" Jessica Landon never cry's, at all "Damn, must be something big"

"It's looking that way brother"

Turning around I look at the girl that is still on her knees "Scram. NOW!" She jumped up and ran out, rolling my eyes again, I took my cut that has my rank, Vice president, and the club logo on it with the name, Devil Riders, out of the chair it was resting in and shut my door on the way out after locking it

"What do you think happened?"

"I don't know Beast, but its bad" I sighed, more club drama, hopefully this time it doesn't lead to blood shed, we are still trying to bounce back from the massacre with Drake Mindosa, and that son of a bitch still got away.

Making our way out of the dorm room area, we find ourselves standing in the main part of the clubhouse, where the bar is, and where we usually have our nightly party's at.

To the left is where the bar is, it takes up the whole wall, going through the door that is next to the bar leads to the kitchen. On the right is a door that leads to the sacred place where church is held, a meeting with just the more important members, whatever is said or done in church is to stay in church.

Straight in front of us is where the front door is.

Looking at the bar, I seen Jessica sitting there with her head in her arms which were resting on top of the bar, her shoulders are shaking, damn Smiles wasn't kidding.

Going into the door that leads to church I shut it behind Smiles, and church was started as soon as we both took our seat, me sitting next to the president who sat at the head of the table.

Stephan "Killer" Landon, the president of the Devil Riders, the father to my best friend, Jacob "Blade" Landon

Blade is the sargent at arms, and his favorite weapon to use is knifes, hint the road name.

I look over at Blade now, who sits across from me, to see that he has this dark look in his eyes. Not a good sign

" I called you all here today to inform you of a.....secret that my wife just thought to tell me now after 17 years" he closed his eyes while his hands were making fist

We all waited in silence, curious on what was happening, besides for Blade, he seemed to know

"It seemed that when she was kidnapped 17 years ago, she....she was raped and got....pregnant."

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