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Beast pov

"Pregnant?" My dad, Kevin "bullet" Williams, asked "Where the fuck is the kid at?"

" She put her in a damn group home a town over from us, to protect her" chuckled Blade, without humor " She would have been more protected with us, her family" he growled out.

Killer put a hand on his shoulder and Blade calmed down, well almost calmed down

" She thought she was doing the best for her. Her name is Emery West, that year that Jess was gone, when she said she needed a break for a little bit, well that's when she had Emery, she named her and then gave her to a good friend of hers, her mother knew this chick or some shit like that" the Prez rolled his eyes " Her name is Hillary James, Virus, I want you to find out everything you can about this girl, and Emery" Milo "Virus" Williams, my youngest blood brother, nodded his head

" On it boss"

" Good, I want it by the end of the day, then we can discuss what to do from there......fuck, someone has to tell Scarlet" Said Killer, he looked at us all, with pleading eyes.

Soon the meeting room was filled with a series of "no"s," Not going to happen"s, "I want to live"s and a " Have Miley do it"

Me including

Scarlet Landon is one crazy bitch. Shes definitely got the Landon family charm, which is the way they shoot before asking

Telling her that she has a long lost sister....... suicide.

Miley Williams is my little sister but also Scarlets best friend so the odds of her killing Miley are.......slim. But still very much possible

" Bunch of pussies" he muttered "We have to go into this with caution, we don't know who Jess is protecting the kid from or who the kids father is, we will go to war if we have to, but let's try to avoid that right now" we all nodded as he looked at us all, before he banged the gavel "Church dismissed" he grunted out. "Aye Bullet, tell your ma to come here, we need to talk" his son nodded before walking out with the rest of us.

Emerys pov

"LET IS GOOOOOO, LET IT GOOOOOO, CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMOOOORE" Giggling we all fall on our backs, on the pile of layed out blankets we have on the floor, laughing at our terrible singing, while the movie frozen was still playing in the background

It has been a crazy day, Nonna had gotten a call from an officer, he had said that Max and Millie were in the hospital and their foster father was in custody.

Their foster father was beating on them, they are just little kids, but he hit them, using them as a punching bag, and no one knew, until Millie ran next door while he was beating Max, and told the neighbor.

The foster father found Max wearing his ex wife's wedding dress

Max and Millie are siblings, they was put in the group home when Max was two and Millie one, their father had killed himself, their mom had died giving birth to Millie, so they had no one else.

These kids have been through to much when they got here, so me and Kala had decided that we will be the ones there for them, which having a life like the one you live in a foster home, you will need at least one person to have your back,but we failed them, they got hurt, these little babies got hurt.

When we picked them up from the hospital little Max told everyone he was fine, but we knew he was being strong for Millie, the bruses on his face hurt, and we all knew it.

It was Kalas idea to have a slumber party in the living room, but it was my idea to watch frozen. Best Movie Ever!!!!

Pretty soon though the two kids fell asleep cuddled up to each other, with popcorn all around them, we had watched two more movies once frozen was over, during the second movie was when the first piece of popcorn was thrown, therefore, starting our epic food fight, even though it won't be that epic to clean up tomorrow

The next morning

" AHHHHH, YOU STUPID KIDS" Jumping up into a sitting position, I groggily look around the living room while trying to blink the sleep from my eyes.

Max and Millie was whimpering while holding on to each other in the middle of me and a very angry looking Kala, who was glaring at something on the floor.

Or someone

On the floor in front of us layed a mad looking Brittany.

Brittany smokes, the mean girl of the group home, shes one of those girls who think they are better than everyone else, I guess that's why she is the popular girl at school.

We use to be friends when we was little, but when she was taken to a foster home, she ended up in the hospital, when she came back, she changed, she wasn't my friend anymore.

Part of our blankets on the floor was pulled up, so I came up with the conclusion that she tripped over them

" Oh piss of Brittany, it's not their fault you was to busy looking in the mirror instead of watching where you were going" spat Kala, Brittanys face turn a tomato color, before her and Kala started a yelling match

"Girls...Girls!.... GIRLS!!!" All of us jumped by the sound of Nonna's voice, Kala, who had stood up during the verbal fight, and Brittany, stepped away from each other and looked towards the door where we heard her voice.

I was looking at the kids to see if they were ok when I heard Brittany and Kala gasp. I look up at the door then to.

Behind Nonna were 10 people I have never seen before, there was 6 very scary looking dudes who had these coat like things on, but they didn't have the long sleeves like normal coats, and they looked leather, and they had letters written on them but I couldn't see them from how far I was from them, there is two of the guys that looked older while the others looked to be in their twenties.

Two of the girls looked older also, and they had leather coats on to, but nothing was written on them from what I can see

The other two looked to be in their teens.

I can see why the girls had gasped and look like their jaws had dropped to the floor

The older guys looked even. I blushed at that thought, somehow thinking they can hear me.

One of the guys seemed to have catched my eyes more than the rest. He was staring at me, with a smirk, so that didn't really help the thought that he heard my dirty mind.

"What's going on?" Asked Nonna, calmly now.

The girls started to talk loudly over each other until Nonna held up a hand, and pointed towards me

"Emery, what happened?" She asked with a sigh

" Brittany trip over the blankets and woked us up by yelling 'stupid kids' Kala said that it wasn't their fault that she wasn't paying attention, and then.....well they just started to yell at each other"

"Snitch" Brittany angerly muttered

"Are you trying to make me beat you fucking ass, cause your pushing it" growled Kala as she stepped closer to her

Brittany step back out of fear as Nonna whistled loudly, which got all of our attention on her once again

"Ok that's enough Kala.... Brittany, where are you off to?" She ask

" Um....the mall with friends" Brittany said snappy, like we should all know this

" Not anymore, go to your room"


"No buts, now I'm not grounding you but I will if you aren't walking up those stairs in two seconds" Brittany gasped and glared at her before stomping up the stairs, a few seconds late we heard a big slam.

Max started to laugh "She looked like an angry troll storming upstairs" he said with a giggle, Millie following along, me and Kala looked at each other, probably thinking the same thing, shouldn't have watched trolls last night, before bursting out laughing with them

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