Pogue Party//RafexReader

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It was a typical night on the cut. The Pogues were throwing a kegger, and this time, you actually tagged along with your motley crew of friends. Kie, JJ, John B, and Pope, hopped in the Twinkie and followed, shutting the old vans door behind you. You arrived at your destination after a quick stop at your local Liquor/Party store.

"So," you began as everyone exited the Twinkie, "I, for one, WILL be getting wasted tonight, which means I will not be driving. Pope, that leads me to my question, will you be our designated getaway driver this evening?"

"Getaway driver? NO. Designated driver? Yes," he agreed. Good. Tonight you wanted to get absolutely wasted and let loose a little. The others just chuckled and started heaving the keg down to the beach. You set the keys in Pope's hand and sprinted down to the beach, passing your group.

You reached the cool water and let the ocean's waves lap at your feet. It was your favorite feeling in the world. The sand moved between your toes, and little minnows swam around yours legs as you kicked the water. It wasn't quite dark, so the sunset made the water glisten like it was magical. It was something you could never get tired of.

Kicking once more, you left the ocean to be and headed towards the washed up red tower, where John B and JJ were already filling up cups, passing them out to the teens that had already begun arriving. You stood in line, waiting your turn, when someone bumped into you. You glanced over your shoulder. Rafe Cameron. What the fuck was he doing here? He wasn't only a kook, but the Kook Prince. You looked back to the keg. It was your turn.

"Y/N, you didn't have to wait in line," JJ said. "Your one of us. All you had to do was come up and ask me, I woulda let you cut."

He gave you a quick wink and smirked. JJ and you were always flirting. It was harmless and playful, no real feelings behind them besides your friendship. He was definitely hot, and you knew everything about him. There was no way around it, he was attractive in every meaning of the word, but there were rules within the friend group.


"Nah, I was ok with waiting. Plus, look who's behind me." It was your turn to smirk. Sure, you hated Rafe, but he was undeniably sexy too. You brushed your butt against Rafe ever-so-slightly and then moved out of the way, grabbing your drinks from JJ's hand. His mouth hung a little open and all you could do was chuckle.

"Here," you said grabbing the cup that John B had just whilst you were in conversation, and handed it to Rafe. "Go have fun."

Rafe looked a little confused, shocked, even, but played it off by ignoring your comment. He headed down to the beach, and his kook gang followed suit. What a douche. Your eyes returned to JJ and you could see he was kinda pissed. His face had reddened and his fist was clenched so hard by his side that his fingers turned white.

"What the fuck, y/n. We hate him, and his friends. They aren't even supposed to be here, but you went ahead and handed him a beer like y'all were friends." Yeah, he was pissed.

"C'mon, JJ. I was kidding. He's an asshole, I just wanted mess around with ya, since you like to always embarrass me and shit."

He ran his hand through his messy hair. All he did was shake his head and start filling another cup full of beer. You huffed and walked away, giving him the bird as you did so. It wasn't fair that he could tease you, but you couldn't give him a taste of his own medicine? It wasn't even that bad of an ordeal. You hadn't flat out said you thought that Rafe was hot, or that you were low key attracted to the psychopath. Still.

-A short while later-

You and the others had shoved some logs into a make-shift circle around a fire the tourons had built. You sat yourself next to Kie, but then JJ shoved his in the middle of you two.

Jj Maybank/Rafe Cameron x Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now