Pogue Party 2//RafexReader

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You'd only been in Outer Banks for a week, and yet, you'd already been invited to a party. You made friends, easily finding a good groove with the group that calls themselves the 'Pogues'. There were three boys; JJ, John B, and Pope. There was also a girl within the group, Kie, and you got along decently, but she didn't seem to like you very much, and you couldn't understand why. And that was it, you hadn't mingled with anyone outside this small group. It didn't bother you too much.

The day of the party was spent gathering food, drinks, and entertainment. John B drove the HMS Pogue through the wetlands, only stopping for a swim once everything had been rounded up for later this evening. Which led to something you'd never thought you'd have to get use to: wearing a swimsuit basically 24/7. You had plenty, as every girl should, but were worried that they maybe revealed just a tad bit too much skin.

As John B halted the boat, JJ set the anchor. He was cute, sure, but a little to 'bad boy' and reckless for your taste. His ADHD also annoyed you at times, which you chose to point out, jokingly, as often as possible. He had the attention span of a squirrel. Any who, it was time to strip down and jump in, which meant removing your faded bait-shop cutoff and the blue jean shorts you had on.

You pulled your shorts down first, since your shirt was long enough to cover your butt for now. Your fingers lingered at the bottom of the cut-off, smoothing the hem and picking off stray strings. You were pretty comfortable with your body, weighing a measly 130 pounds, but it didn't mean you couldn't have a little stage fright. Your thoughts left as you heard four big splashes, and you realized you were the only one left on the boat, and that the Pogues were all looking at you.

"C'mon, y/n, hop on in! The waters nice and warm today," JJ exclaimed from the water. You nodded and licked your lips as your mouth became dry. Hesitantly, you removed your top, arms flying immediately over your chest once you did so. You were embarrassed as JJ's mouth was left slightly agape at the sight of you. Pope and John B were better at masking their expressions, but they definitely found you hot too.

"God damn," you heard JJ whisper. Your cheeks quickly became a couple shades pinker, so to cool off you sprinted to the front of the boat and jumped. The water was a nice temperature change, hitting your skin and cooling it down. You'd jumped with enough force and height that your feet hit the bottom, allowing you to push back up. You emerged, laughter spilling out from you. It was such a rush being here and living in the moment. It was nice to be so care-free.

They all clapped, laughing with you, even Kie. You paddled over to them and JJ instantly started splashing you, starting a full on battle. You leaned back, kicking as hard as you could with yours legs, creating huge splashes. JJ retreated, but mimicked your tactic as you tired out. Without a second thought, you grabbed his feet and yanked him down in the water. JJ popped back up.

"Wrong move," he said with a smirk and mischievous glint in his eyes. He picked up your tiny body from the water, and with force you didn't know he could muster up, threw you a couple feet away. You landed right in front of Kie and John B, splashing them both in the face. Now they were playing too. It was a full on war, and within minutes, everyone had teamed up on JJ. He finally surrendered after about two minutes of nonstop attacks. That's about all you guys did for the rest of the afternoon, playing in the water and hanging out.

Later that Evening-At the Party

After today, seeing how hot your friends found you, you decided to wear a red bikini top and bottoms, with some cute playboy shorts. Their love and non-judgmental personalities made you feel more secure in yourself. Your Aunt Meryl eagerly agreed to give you a ride to the beach. She was so excited that you were making friends. You brought a small satchel with you, carrying items like tampons, money, phone, and your... wax pen. Sure, you were a great student with above average intelligence, but it didn't mean you couldn't indulge yourself every once in a while with a few hits.

Jj Maybank/Rafe Cameron x Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now