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A/N: sorry, it's not long and not very good, but it's something I guess

JJ and you had separated from the rest of the Pogues. The sun was just setting and the rest of the group had decided to call it a day, exhausted from surfing, but the two of you stayed behind to watch the sun set on OuterBanks. So, you and JJ laid down your boards to sit on and admired the view.

"You know, this is admittedly one of the best things about living here. Watching the light dance on the water," you said.

"It really is beautiful, but nothing compared to you, Cupcake," he flirted. You blushed. He was cute and funny and pretty amazing all around, but you knew the rules of the group, so JJ Maybanks was off limits. Looking at him, you smiled warmly, and admired the way the sun highlighted his features.

"Thanks, but I disagree. Nothing could be more beautiful than this. It's such a simple thing and it happens everyday, but it never ceases to impress me. I find that that nature is consistently ignored when it becomes something people see everyday," you replied casually.

"God, I love when you talk all poetic to me. Shows me that your more than a hot blonde babe." Once again, the boy's words made your cheeks heat up. You lost eye contact and instead focused on the hand. Your fingers swirled the small specks around, creating a small heart imprint in the sand. As your traced the shape, JJ reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your attention refocused on him.

"Y/N, I gotta tell ya something, and don't laugh," he stated seriously. Of course, you giggled because JJ was never serious. He was always joking and messing around, especially when it came to you. "I admit, the water and the sunset is pretty amazing, but I think the view would be better if you were in it."

"Nah, quit playing with me," you laughed nervously and playfully hit his arm. He said nothing, instead standing up and scooping you into his arms, bridal-style. You squirmed as your body was lifted off of the ground. As soon as you were more than two feet in the air, you wrapped your arms around JJ out of fear that he was going to drop you. He ran towards the water, falling as he reached it. You fell from his arms into the familiar cold comfort of the sea.

You splashed JJ. After all, you had just gotten dry and now your drenched again. He splashed back, getting closer with each slap to the water, until he was directly in front of you. Inches apart, he leaned in, mouth just millimetres away from your ear. His warm breath sent chills down your spine and you got a little dizzy from imagining what could come next.

"Your so hot when you get all flustered around me. I love knowing that I can affect you like that," he whispered, his hand coming up to play with the strap of your bikini. "Your more than just some hot chick to me though, your my best friend. But right now, I want to me more than just friends. Actually, I want to be more than just friends from here on out. I like you."

The water lapped around your waist as you absorbed his words. You'd had a feeling that maybe he had felt the same, but kept it to yourself when you noticed he still hooked up with girls. You had been right, because here he was, admitting that he wanted more too. You looked at him, into those brilliantly blue eyes of his.

"I want to be more than friends too," and with your response, he leaned in and kissed you. His lips tenderly molded onto yours. Your mouths synced together, and soon enough his tongue slid into yours. He explored your mouth, savoring the hint of salt taste the ocean had left on your lips. It was the perfect kiss, passionate and loving. It wasn't rushed or sloppy, it was a kiss that held so much meaning and emotion for the both of you. It felt like a promise.

JJ broke apart from you, "If you'd let me, I want to show you just how in love with you I am."

You were slightly taken aback by his choice of words. He had just said he loved you. Your first thought was that it was way too fucking early to be saying that shit, but the memories you and JJ had shared through the years surfaced. You realized that you had always loved him, and that he had always loved you. This wasn't something sudden or unplanned, you two had loved each other since third grade, even if your only just admitting it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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