I'll Take Care of You//RafexReader

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Sarah Cameron hated labels, really, she hated the rivalry between Kooks and Pogues. She didn't get it, but you sure as hell did. The Kooks had all the money in the world, they didn't worry or work for a single thing. Pogues on the other hand worked to survive. They had to worry about their financial situations, and most of 'em had two or more jobs. It was the way of the island, you either had two houses or two jobs. Outer Banks was a very divided place to live. But, Sarah didn't care to acknowledge the concept.

"C'mon, Y/N, just help me to convince the gang to spend one night at my house. We'll drink and have fun, I'll even let JJ smoke in the guest room, with the exception that the windows remain open. I really need your help in showing them that my house is a safe place," Sarah pleaded.

"I don't know, Sarah. They are pretty set in their ways, and if we are being honest, so am I. None of us grew up with money and none of us trust it. I trust you, but that's because we've been friends longer than I can remember," you stated.

"Please, just for one night, they can stay over and see how it goes. Give it a trial run," she responded.

"Just a trial run start, okay?" With that, Sarah nodded eagerly in the passenger seat of your car. You started the ignition and drove quickly to John B's place, where the rest of your group was likely to be. Sarah discussed ideas with you, hoping to convince you as much as possible that this was a good plan, maybe an opening to settle the feud between the Kooks and Pogues. You weren't really buying into it, but you gave a few comments to keep her uplifted.

Pretty soon you and Sarah were approaching the Chateau's porch, where JJ, Pope, Kie, and John B were resting in hammocks. They all seemed pretty content. Good, because if they were in a bad mood, there wouldn't even be a possibility of them agreeing. Sarah spoke first, summarizing the idea and all the positive outcomes. She was pretty good at pitching the plan, and although the Pogues didn't seem convinced, one by one, they agreed. They'd each pack a small over night bag for tonight, and attempt to be open minded. They thought it'd be a good strategy to have a different get away beside John B's.

-Later, around nine p.m.-

This time, you left your car and instead hopped in John B's van. The drive was quiet. JJ smoked a joint to calm his nerves, while the rest of the Pogues stared at the passing view. The first thing Sarah did was give them a tour, ending in the kitchen so she could set up a shot game. She knew the only way to get the Pogues to have fun involved heavy drinking, so she set up the limes, salt and Tequila. She also offered whiskey and vodka, which didn't go down as smoothly. The point of the game was to not make a face. The first round everyone took a shot, and everyone lost. Coughs and sputters were heard around the table.

Sarah decided that the second and following rounds should be face offs, one person versus the other. Who wouldn't make a face OR laugh at their competitors. As JJ and John B took their shots, neither making a face, Ward and Rafe Cameron walked through the doors. Ward simply ignored them, walking straight into his office. Rafe on the other hand, entered the kitchen. He had a smile on, and for a second, looked kinda cute, before his smile became a smirk.

"You aint invited," you sneered.

"Well, it's my house, and I can definitely say I didn't invite you, but yet, here you are."

"I didn't need your permission, Sarah invited us over. We're having a sleepover, if you must know. And before you interrupted, we were playing a game of shots. Take a shot, and if you make a face, you lose. Consequences? You gotta take a worse shot." God, he was rude, and even though that second shot hadn't been a rule, it seemed like a pretty good idea.

"So, take a shot with me, pussy," Rafe dared.

"Sure," you replied cockily. The whole group was silently watching the interaction, JJ looked like he wanted to defend you, but must've decided otherwise. Rafe went to the other side of the table, and the boys inched away from him. Sarah poured the shots of tequila, lined the salt on your hand, and then set a lime down next to the shot glass. She counted down.

Jj Maybank/Rafe Cameron x Reader SmutWhere stories live. Discover now