Float like a Butterlfy....

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Bey watched silently as her phone bounced off the mattress onto the floor , the device doing several phone cracking flips before it finally came to rest on the wall furthest from her and closest to the door that was slightly ajar from when Blue ha...

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Bey watched silently as her phone bounced off the mattress onto the floor , the device doing several phone cracking flips before it finally came to rest on the wall furthest from her and closest to the door that was slightly ajar from when Blue had gotten up and left the room sensing the tension between her parents .

She didn't know if the sound of glass shattering came from her iPhone screen or from her heart as she replayed her in her head on full volume

How did you know Kelly was pregnant ?

She thought that she had experienced pain before , the kind of dull ache in your heart that refuses to leave even when you doctor it with alcohol and sleeping medications , the kind of suffering that makes you forget to eat , shower , drink water or any of the Normal things a functioning person would do , the discomfort that made you lose sleep and get lost in conversations because your mind was completely engrossed on what and who had hurt you .

She hated to admit that she had been in this position more than once .

Laying on her side with her knees drawn to her chest as she cupped her hand over her mouth and did her best to control her movements so the body wracking sobs she was covering up couldn't be heard by anyone .

She had been inconsolable


Angry at the world for being able to smile and laugh when she was living in her own personal hell on the inside .

Where did she go wrong ? When did she stop being enough for him )

She thought back to when he first tried to scoop her , when the ball was in her court and he had more feelings for her than she did because quite frankly she didn't know who the hell he was as a person and she didn't fall for looks and egos

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She thought back to when he first tried to scoop her , when the ball was in her court and he had more feelings for her than she did because quite frankly she didn't know who the hell he was as a person and she didn't fall for looks and egos .

She made him jump through so many hoops to make sure he wasn't playing her and he passed every test with flying colors making her truly feel like the only girl in the world despite the fact that they were in the entrainment business and he still had girl fans and women in his music videos that played love interest .

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