Sting like a Bey ...

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Solange stumbled upstairs ignoring the look was giving her for slamming the door the way she did when she came in

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Solange stumbled upstairs ignoring the look was giving her for slamming the door the way she did when she came in . This was her house , she could snatch the damn door off the hinges if she pleased and nobody that wasn't paying a bill in this bitch could check her for it . The last thing she needed was somebody trying to talk to her right now .

As soon as she made it to the bathroom she leaned against the sink breathing in and out deeply trying to calm herself down but it wasn't working , she still felt like she was boiling from the inside out and like she needed to break something . Turning on the tap water , she cupped her shaky hands under the cool water waiting until it filled up before she splashed some on her face repeating the action until she finally felt herself exhale , her eyes searching herself in the mirror in front of her .

Her eyes were bloodshot red from crying all the way home like a little bitch . She didn't plan on feeling anything but hate and maybe a little rage when she confronted Kelly but right in the middle of pounding her face she just stopped . Like she physically couldn't move anymore and her mind finally Registered where she was at and who it was that she was hurting and the weight of her emotions hit her like a ton of bricks as she broke down into tears.

She wasn't just Bey's friend or someone who happened to stay in the same house as they did , Kelly was her best friend and sister too

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She wasn't just Bey's friend or someone who happened to stay in the same house as they did , Kelly was her best friend and sister too . At one point they were inseparable and when she couldn't go to anyone else in the house about personal things or get them to take her music and songwriting seriously she was the one that went to and confided in .

As far back as she could remember they had shared lives , clothes , ups , downs , beds , dreams , drama , you name it . They broke bread on many occasions , fought for each other , cried to each other when no one else was watching . Why did she think giving Kelly a special order of "These hands" would make her feel better when In reality all it did was make her sick to her stomach and confused .

The two second fight awakened more emotions of betrayal in her than she would've imagined .

Kelly's problem was that she was so selfish she only thought she was hurting Bey when in reality this affected everyone in the family , not just her , but her niece , her mom , and anyone who build a bond with her that wasn't blood .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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