Chapter Five

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Georgia and I sat in the garden enjoying our lunches, as we did just about every afternoon. On two benches facing each other, she chowed down on a turkey sandwich while I stabbed pieces of salad with my fork.

"Tell me some good news," I asked her. "I could use a distraction."

"I'm joining the LGBTQ tennis league," she said hopefully. "My first match is in a week."

I bit into a cherry tomato, the sweet taste exploding across my tongue. "I guess that's good. Although I'm surprised there's a gay and lesbian sports league you haven't already been a member of." I paused while a breeze drifted across the garden, shaking the overgrown leaves. "Aren't you still the captain of the soccer team?"

She shook her head quickly. "I had to step down. Maureen got the soccer team when we stopped dating each other."

"I suppose that's the good news."


"Whole new sport, whole new dating field," I joked.

She balled up a napkin and tossed it at my head. "I'll have you know my interest in soccer is purely business-oriented. There are a lot of potential customers in that league. You should try joining a social club sometime. It would do you and the candy shop good."

I glanced over at the shop, watching a few more customers stroll in. I considered running inside to help Rhonda out, knowing she was the only one working the counter. With how lovely the afternoon was, however, I shook my head and reminded myself that she'd be fine and that I needed a break every now and then.

"I'm not sure athletes are the prime audience for candy," I pointed out.

"Okay, maybe for you it could be more of a social outlet and dating pool. Aren't locker rooms featured settings for a good, old-fashioned spanking?"

I grabbed the balled up napkin, tossing it back her way. "Hush," I said under my breath. "No kinky talk in the garden."

"You might consider branching out from your comfort zones, one way or another. If I can't convince you to make an offer to Dominick, we're going to have to find another way to track down your spanking prince."

I hissed at her. "Quiet," I urged, although I suspected it was useless. Sometimes, I longed to go back to the time before I told Georgia my fantasies. At least then I was confident they would stay private.

She rose to her feet, crumpling up her sandwich bag in her hand. "What?" she whispered. "You're not red-hot with desire to get your tuchus spanked? Your passion for bare-bottom discipline isn't pushing you over the edge, driving you to more and more extreme measures—"

I jumped to my feet, laughing despite myself as I tried to cover her mouth. "I swear, if someone hears you, I'm going to move my candy shop to Canada and never show my face in Denver again."

Georgia stepped back, still laughing to herself. When she glanced back toward the street, however, her face fell. "Um, Xavier? Isn't that...?"

I turned to follow her line of sight and almost choked when I saw what had drawn her attention. Standing on the corner with an SUV rumbling behind him was Dominick.

"Oh god," I sighed. "He's back already. What now?"

"Hey Dominick!" Georgia hollered suddenly, throwing her voice across the street. "Over here!"

I grabbed her hand, squeezing tight. "I'm going to come into your store and throw soccer balls at you later," I said under my breath.

"Well, then you'll definitely deserve a spanking," she teased back.

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