Chapter Twelve

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The view from the ground of the candy store was even more impressive than the view from eye level. Leaning against some shelving at the back of an alley and with Xavier draped across my chest, the rows of candy seemed to tower above us. It reminded me of my first day in Manhattan, back when I still got vertigo every time I looked up at the skyscrapers.

"Taffy?" I asked Xavier, holding out a piece of the candy. He had his shorts back on, but he'd left the top unfastened, and I could catch just a glimpse of the soft hairs along the waistband of his briefs when I glanced down.

He laughed and pulled my arm across his chest. "I'm going to blush every time a customer buys taffy now."

"Sexy," I said, flexing my arm and pulling him closer.

I was still impressed with myself for having shown restraint with him at all. The second he confessed his desire to me, a roaring need to discipline him shot through my body, burning away my inhibitions.

But still, I held back. I only gave him a taste. His first time needed to be careful, intentional, and, most of all, safe. And if I was going to have ten months of playing with him, I intended to take my time getting it right.

"It's nice of you to stay with me," he said. "I would have thought you were too busy."

"Like I told you at the party, it's important you get what you need when you're exploring your kinks. I would never leave you stranded."

"The solar panel fiasco won't implode without your careful attention?"

I chuckled. "Trust me, that's the last thing I'm thinking about right now. You're much worthier of my attention."

"I'm still having trouble believing you think so," he said, his voice dreamy.

I rubbed the top of his head, mussing his hair up enough that he giggled. "If you saw how tasty your ass looked a few minutes ago, you wouldn't have any trouble believing it."

I opened my mouth to say more and tell him how good this was for me, too. I'd left New York frustrated that I couldn't find a guy who was capable of the sweet along with the spicy, and while I never pictured myself cuddling a man in an after-hours candy shop, Xavier felt so warm and good against my body, like I had found a missing piece to the puzzle.

But none of that was appropriate for the moment. Maybe later, depending on how things went, but I'd already rushed ahead further than intended.

"If you'd like to try something like that again," I added, "we can talk more before and figure out what we're both looking for."

"As though I wouldn't want to do that again," he laughed.

"I try not to assume," I said. "But no hurry, anyway. Take your time and make sure you think about what feels good for you."

I noticed the part of me that ran executive departments and oversaw large projects coming to the surface and hoped Xavier didn't mind being bossed around a little. At least I was just looking out for him, instead of scolding him for delaying a budget or some other boring detail.

"Thank you," he said, his hand landing on his side and then pushing down toward his butt. With such a quick spanking, I knew the heat must have pretty much faded already, but he kept his hand there anyway. "I appreciate that."

A long pause passed, punctuated only by the occasional sound of a passing car. I kept Xavier held tightly to my chest. The flames of desire still licked my insides, teasing me to want more from him, but I managed to restrain myself and give the moment to him.

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