Back to Enemies? - 25

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I was woken up by my door being slammed open.

I jolted up and saw Liv and Ethan on the bed beside me. I looked towards the door and saw a pissed off Hunter. "Get your friends to leave, then meet me in the gym." He said simply before leaving my room and walking towards the door on the left side of the hallway. His room.

I looked at the time on my phone and groaned when I saw it was only 5:30 a.m.

I shook my friends awake and Liv lazily slapped me. "Liv, you need to leave." I told her. "No I need to be with you." She murmured, falling back asleep.

I noticed I was still in my skirt from the meeting, my shirt and blazer had been stripped off. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower. I washed my hair and body, allowing the hangover to fall down the drain. I still had a raging headache but I at least felt clean.

I headed to the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black leggings and a black singlet. I slipped into the clothes and finally came back into the bedroom to wake up Ethan. Liv was up and rubbing her face with her hands. Ethan didn't budge. I slipped him onto my shoulder and walked through the mansion with Liv stumbling beside me. I had to take two breaks on the way but i made it to the front hall. I slapped Ethans ass and he jolted up.

"Ethan, I appreciate and love you, but you need to leave now." I smiled. He stood up with my help and I walked him and Liv outside where a limousine was waiting. I pushed them both inside and told the driver Liv's address.

I pulled them both awkwardly into a hug and kissed both of their cheeks, thanking them again for keeping me company. It pained me to think about, but I wasn't sure if I was going to see them again anytime soon. 

There was no way I was going back to school, I had new priorities.

I walked to the gym, I was starving but I was still a guest in this house i didn't want to start sacking their kitchens. So I made my way to the gym, with some help. As I walked in I saw it was empty, other than Hunter leaning against the wall.

He looked up as I came in and strode over to me.

"My father wants me to train you." He said.

"Why does it have to be you?" I asked, I would love nothing more than to throttle him, but looking at the size of him, it would most likely be me getting throttled.

"It's punishment for me." He drawled. I thought of the bruises that were constantly over his body.

I opened my mouth but he walked away, looking behind his shoulder at me, telling me to follow.

"We are going to start off warming up and stretching, then we will go on a four mile run. After that we will train in combat." He told me as he made it to the mats.

"Are you trying to kill me." I snapped.

"Oh i'm just getting started." He smiled darkly at me.

Whatever had been between us was gone, he was nothing more than a mafia heir, training a little girl.

He lead me through warm ups, yet he was constantly pushing me over and giving me false corrections. By the time we were done I was sore everywhere and I felt bruises blossoming all over my body.

I followed Hunter outside, we stopped on the edge of the gardens, looking out into the forest. He started off with a jog, I took off after him. I had never been particularly good at cardio, so after the first mile I was already stumbling. I wanted to yell at Hunter, to tell him to stop, but I didn't want him to know just how fucked I was.

I pushed myself forward till I reached Hunters side. I looked at him, his face was set into a cold stare, there was not a single drop of sweat on him, his breathing as steady as if he was taking a morning stroll.

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