Find Her - 48

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*Hunters POV*

Raven was the only thing on my mind right now. I had placed my father in a cell, not knowing if I even had to power to do that. I was so lost on who was loyal to us and who wasn't, but when the time came for Raven claimed her right as mafia boss, she would put everyone in line.

I smiled at the thought. Raven would love it, and I couldn't wait to see it. I just had to find her first.

Meg and I were going to travel everywhere and anywhere we could think of. She had brought her computer with her, she was still trying to hack into the files from the group, but I wasn't even sure Tyler was dumb enough to go somewhere listed.

He mustn't have many men with him, it depends on how many he had double crossed, allowing them to believe that he was going to restore our mafia to the brilliant and powerful group we were before, while instead he was planning on killing their last hope.

Killing Raven.

I slammed the car door. We would start at every location in the area that has been deserted, he couldn't have got far, it had only been a day.

We went to an old warehouse first, nothing. A closed down school, nothing. An old prison, I had got my hopes up. Nothing

It had now been two days since I last saw Raven, two days at Tyler's mercy.

*Raven's POV*

I was so cold, so very cold.

Tyler had left after an hour of carving lines on my body. My blood had clotted almost instantly at least, but it all stung.

I laid down, shivering on the concrete floor. I was alone.

All those words my father, Garrett, had said to me. Where they real? Or was he only in it for the cash. I was desperate to talk to him, to talk to anyone.

My throat was raw from screaming, after ten minutes I had gotten used to the feeling.

I tried to sleep. I imagined the feeling of Hunter's hands on my skin to try and heat myself up. It didn't work, all I could think about when I thought about him were the lies that came from his tongue. But were they really lies?

The tall man had put a tray of bread and water on the ground, leaving without a word. I really was being treated like a dog. With my hands in the cuffs, I couldn't reach the food, so I had to lean down and eat the food straight from the tray with my mouth.

My tears had long since vanished, only left with my reeling thoughts.

I didn't know how long it had been when Tyler opened the door again.

"Why don't you just end me already, get on with your life." I whispered hoarsely.

"Because, Raven, you are my top entertainment, If you weren't blood related I would use you for even nicer pleasure, I can't stop Gale from doing something though." Tyler sneered. I looking into his eyes, almost vomiting up my empty stomach at the idea of anyone touching me that wasn't Hunter.

"Alas, we have things to get on with. Gale, come here." Tyler cried out.

I wanted to faint at what Gale had in his hand as he walked in. A small fire pit, housing a flame. He set it down in front of me. The heat from the flame warmed me up, barely, though I knew that wasn't the reason for the heat.

Tyler pulled a fireplace poker from the wall. My heart started racing, every bone in my body told me to run, but I couldn't, I was trapped.

He walked towards me, placing the fire poker into the firepit before leaning down so close to me our breaths mingled.

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