Heart - 42

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*Raven's POV*

When I saw Tyler standing on the edge of the building I let revenge fuel my body, revenge for Liv.

I slowly crept towards Tyler. My feet barley made a noise on the shifting gravel beneath my feet. I had a knife outstretched to kill him. I didn't care that Hunter had told me to keep him alive. I would do this, for Liv.

It felt wrong, it was too easy.

I heard a cry from behind me. Hunter.

It was too late, Tyler was already there, an arm snatched out towards me. I felt the world tilt as I was flipped over the edge of the building.

I threw my arms up, desperate for something to grab.

The next thing I knew, Hunter was lunching himself off the edge of the building, diving down towards me. He reached my arms and took them in his own before curling himself around me, twisting so he was underneath me, ready to take the full impact of the fall. It all seemed to happen in slow-motion.

"No!" I cried, nothing more than a strangled sob.

"Only for you, love." He smiled softly, holding me tighter, my tears blurred my vision.

"I love you." He whispered.

I didn't get the chance to say it back as the world loomed closer towards us. I wouldn't let this be the end. I would tell him when he wakes up that I love him, when we woke up from this nightmare.

Because we would both wake up.

I tilted us and rolled into the ground, pain shooting through every bone in my body.

Everything went black.


I awoke on the ground. Everything hurt.

I opened my eyes slowly and found it was still night-time. Meg was above me, checking my pulse. I waved her off as I scrambled up, ignoring the pain that shot through me at the movement.

A scream shattered through my lips at the sight of Hunter on the ground.

His arm was sitting at an odd angle, his shoulder must be broken.

I crawled towards him and checked his breathing. It was shaky, only occasionally did I feel his breath on my hand.

"Help him." I screamed at Meg and Elijah.

They both had tears in there eyes.

"If we call the ambulance they will just ask how it happened, and with our weapons-" Meg started.

"Then fucking carry him to our car." I spat.

Elijah crouched down beside me, he reached into Hunter's pocket and slid out the keys to the car. He ran off a second later.

The next minute, I heard screeching tires and Elijah was beside us with the car. We all picked Hunter up, careful to rest his broken shoulder on something. His breathing became more laboured as we moved him.

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