Head or Heart - 37

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*Ravens POV*

The first thing I did when I got back to the estate was get into the shower. I set the water to near boiling. I stood and watched as all the blood that wasn't mine wash down the drain.

I felt better after the townhouse.

I had spent almost every waking moment since coming back from that brothel in my room training or in the forest, the others had no clue. I wanted them to be surprised, as surprised as the men in the Martinez group was I cut them down.

My body had been filled with a painful rage that I couldn't hold back, it had been building up more and more since I found Liv's body on the ground.

Once I had killed every man bearing the lion tattoo in the building, I felt at ease, i was ready to smile again. Liv had been avenged.

Only there was still Tyler, and I would find him when I was ready. But now, I had other issues to worry about, such as going through the items found in the townhouse with Hunter.

I would never forget the look of admiration on his face as I killed the last man. Perhaps it made me a monster to feel such pleasure for cutting them down, yet i was bound to become one eventually.

Hunter had appointed me as his right hand man, in this case women, after my show on the roof, he said he wanted someone like that guarding his back. He even admitted that he couldn't even do that but he quickly took it back by saying 'yet'. I laughed at him for it, he seemed relieved when I did.

Hunter and I still haven't spoken properly about the night in the empty meeting room. So much happened afterwards that we never got the chance.

I was hurt by how he kept the information about my mother and Liv from me, but I would learn to forgive him.

I turned the shower off and slipped into sweatpants and a singlet. It was only mid morning, yet I was tired from recent events.

My phone buzzed. I had left it here instead of taking it to the townhouse, not wanting to risk someone getting their hands on it. My heart sped when I saw that I had nearly fifty missed calls from Ethan. A few messages mixed in between. Slowly, I read through them, my heart sinking with each word.

Ethan: Liv's funeral is today, it starts at nine a.m. Please Raven, I haven't see you for ages and I'm worried.

Ethan: Where are you. Liv was your best friend and you can't even make and effort to show up?!

Ethan: Raven, I swear to god, I don't care what you are doing. You should be here right now.

Ethan: It's over.

It was the latest message that tore my heart into pieces.

Ethan: Don't bother reaching out again. I believed you were good Raven. I relied on you and loved you so much. But you haven't reached out in ages. I missed you. Just stay away.

I called him. Ethan never picked up.

Tears blurred my vision. I couldn't tell Ethan a thing about why I wasn't there. I hadn't even know there was a funeral. Guilt covered my body like oil.

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