Infirmary - 43

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By the time we pulled into the driveway of the estate, we were all tired. None of us had gotten a proper nights sleep in two days.

I felt as if my whole body was about to break down, my head was pounding, my heart was aching and my bones were barking.

Hunter was able to walk again -barley - we had made a short stop just before taking the final leg of the trip, Hunter had walked around, nearly getting hit by a truck in the process.

I had stayed by Hunter the whole way. We shared glances throughout the nearly every minute, desperate for time alone together.

Meg pulled up in front of the house, my father - Garrett was waiting on the steps. I haven't seen him for a while, i've been training and focusing on missions while he has been back at the Shadowed Club. He was practically living there now.

I slipped out of the car, helping Hunter get out. His arm was in a sling, supporting his shoulder. When I looked back up, John was standing beside my father, his face unreadable.

We walked towards them together, waiting for our doom.

"Raven, I want a full report as soon as you get Hunter into the infirmary." John ordered.

"Father, I can give it, i'm fine." Hunter insisted.

"I want Raven's perspective on this one son." John clapped me on the shoulder. I looked over at Hunter, he looked slightly disappointed from being brushed aside.

"Sir, Hunter was the reason we made it out alive, I think it is necessary that he gives the report." I defended.

"I admire your loyalty Raven, but this isn't a punishment. I want Hunter in his best condition, even if that means keeping him on bedrest." John said, his voice stern.

Elijah and Meg came up behind us, arms full of bags. "I think I want to fucking sleep." Meg muttered. Elijah put his hand on her back and lead her inside. I saw the look they exchanged and I had a feeling they wouldn't be sleeping for a while.

Hunter and I walked to the infirmary. The nurse ushered him to a bed and gave him medication. Hunter tried to wave her off and insist he was fine. She only slapped him on the head.

I chuckled to myself as I walked away, heading to John's office. I knocked and entered. He was waiting for me on the couch.

"Take a seat." He said, gesturing to the couch in front of him. I sat down slowly, allowing myself to relax.

"Whiskey?" He asked, offering me a glass. I shook my head.

"I told you to come in here to talk about what happened on that mission. You all come back looking like hell, and no Tyler in sight. I'm looking for an explanation on what went wrong, and i will know if your lying." The look he gave me told me he wasn't looking for excuses.

I gave John a full run through of what had happened on our time away, leaving out the intimate details of Hunter and I.

When I reached the part about the roof, I hesitated, not sure whether I should tell the truth. John gave me a look, as if he knew I was battling with what to tell him.

I told him the truth.

"The next second I was flipping off the edge of the building. Hunter jumped off and caught me, shielded me. If it weren't for him I would be dead." I said quietly, my blood pumping with anticipation at how John would react.

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