The First Day.

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~Chapter 4~

Violets P.O.V

As soon as we got in the truck I popped my headphones in my ears. I heard the low rumble of the engine start up as I was picking a song. I picked Drown by Bring Me The Horizon. My favourite band, a year ago I went to one of there concerts and I got to meet them all. They were all so nice and kind. It was one of the best days in my life.

As I was listening to the lead vocalist/screamer Oliver Sykes serenade me through my phone, I looked out the window to take in my surroundings. I almost started to cry. But I couldn't let dad, Lydia, and Nick see me be weak or they'd think somethings up. But while I was getting lost in my thoughts, I fell asleep somewhere along the way.

*Hours Later*

Someone was gripping my shoulders and shaking me. I slightly opened my eyes but then flinched. The light that was shinning down on me was so bright that it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust. I looked at the person who was still gripping my shoulders. Obviously it was Lydia.

"We're in Sydney Vi." She said softly as if she was trying not to wake me up. Ha! Too late for that. I realised I was sweating in my jeans and long sleeve. In Bancroft it was sweater weather, here is almost no clothes weather. I laughed to myself.

Me and Lydia booked it up stairs too pick our rooms. There was so many rooms that we all got our own and there was still 4 spare bedrooms. I chose a room with a balcony, a walk in closet, and my own bathroom. It was huge. Lydias room was like mine, but her walls were purple. Mine on the other hand are dark blue. I smiled. I think I'm gonna like it here. I went back downstairs to help bring up boxes.

"You girls can go tour the city and look for a good place to order food from okay? We'll bring your stuff to your room." My dad said with authority laced through his voice.

I smiled and ran upstairs to the bag in my room I packed and took in the truck with me that had my phone charger, headphones, a change of summer clothes, makeup, and a hairbrush with hair ties wrapped around it. Lydia did the same.

After we changed, fixed our makeup, and put up our hair because it's so long; into a messy bun and met Lydia in our hallway. We laughed because we practically looked alike. The only difference was our shirts, hair, and makeup. I wore liquid eyeliner, she didn't. My shirt was band merchandise tank, hers was a galaxy tank. My hair is brown and in the sun a golden brown, hers was jet black. Maybe we didn't look alike. If we had the same hair colour though, you'd think we're sisters. We both ran down the stairs in excitment.

"Do you both have your phone's?" My dad's voice boomed through the house.
"Yes dad! Love you bye!" I said in a rush.

I left the door open for the movers and such.

We were walking down the streets getting getting weird looks. We both laughed. We aren't weird, just special. We were walking down a street with lots of stores. We found a pizza place called, "Pizza Pizza." We walked in, ordered two large cheese pizzas and texted my dad saying we'd be exploring so he'd have to pick up the pizzas from down the street. We walked around till we found the mall, a Chinese restaurant, and finally the skate park. Me and Lydia aren't normal girls aside from being werewolves. We ran into some guys there and asked to use their boards. They gave it over gladly and we definitely showed them up. We gave their boards back and started walking home.

"So.. do you think you're going to find your mate here V?" She asked curiously.

"When I think about it, I feel something in my stomach. And I'm on edge. So yeah. I do. I can't wait to meet the pack." Confidence thick in my voice.

"Do you think you will Lee?" I said softly.

She nodded and spoke,

"I have the same feeling as you."

I smiled as we linked arms while we strutted down our street.

We walked up the driveway to see the moving truck gone. I turned to Lydia,

"You think they're already done?" I said surprisingly.

"Quite possible."

We chuckled as we walked inside to see pizza on the table. Dad, Clayton, and Nick already ate and started unpacking. We ate the delicious pizza and started unpacking ourselfs after plugging my phone into my IHome that I already unpacked.

By the time I was almost done unpacking it was 12:30 and I was drained of energy. My bed was already where I wanted it with my nightstand beside it. All my furniture was placed how I liked it. I only had 5 boxes left to go through but they could wait. My clothes were in my dresser and I had all my toiletries in the bathroom. I pulled on PJ shorts and a tank and brushed my hair and put it up again then brushed my teeth. I grabbed blankets, sheets, and a few pillow cases. I made my bed quickly and sighed, happy I'd be able to sleep very soon. I opened my window and locked my balcony door. Hey, I don't know what kind of neighborhood I live in! I turned off my light and crawled into bed. Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep listening to the playlist of songs quietly playing from my phone in the IHome and thoughts of meeting my new pack tomorrow.

*Authors Note!!!*

Helloooo. This chapter is alright I think, I promise to improve. It's good enough for me though. I just want you guys to like it. Kinda short? If you have suggestions please tell! Don't forget to comment, vote, follow, and share!

Finding My Mate.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang