The Defeated or The Victors?

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~Chapter 30~

Violets P.O.V

I woke up already knowing it was early. Donovan's arm was wrapped tightly around my waist as he snored softly. He looks so cute and younger when he's sleeping. I poked at his chest for a few minutes until he opened his eyes.
"Good morning beautiful. Time to get up I suppose? What time is it sweetheart?" He asked groggily.
I looked over my shoulder to look at the alarm clock. Its said 5:30AM. Meaning, we have to get up.
"Its 5:30 baby. Get up. I'm going for a shower." I informed him.

I walked into my closet it pulled out a pair of black spandex shorts and a black spaghetti strap as well. I grabbed some undergarments and headed for my shower.

I got into the bathroom and hurriedly had my shower. I did all things I needed to and got out. I dried myself off and wrapped a towel around my hair that I had set out before I got in the shower; along with another one for my body.

I pulled on my clothes and pulled out my hair dryer. I blow dried my hair quickly and then brushed it. Pulling it up into a pony tale afterwards. I didn't bother with makeup and went back into Donovan and It's room. He was already showered and dressed. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts that are black and a blue muscle shirt.

I smiled at him and hugged him.
"I love you." I told him sweetly.
"Not as much as me my dear." He smiled with me.
I giggled and pulled him downstairs to get something quick to eat. People were in the kitchen also ready. I grabbed a box if granola bars and a small carton of milk from the fridge and took Donovan out to the front porch.

We shared the milk and granola bars. What? We're wolves. We eat a lot.
"Let's go now honey, its 6:30." My mate told me.
So, we left for the pack house and so did some others.

~After the ride to the pack house and heading to the clearing.~

I glanced at Donovan by my side. His eyes and facial expression held power and determination. All around me my friends stared ahead at the army of rogues. The whole gang was up front with us. Even a few people from my cousins pack. Let me tell you something, if looks could kill the rogues would be all dead right now. They all stood in human form waiting for our first move. All of our powers would help us out in this war. I mean, that's practically what it was. A war. A battle. A winner. A loser. The defeated. The victorious.

No matter what, many lives would be taken today. But better them than me. All they wanted to do was take over, but that wouldn't even happen over my dead body. This had to end and this was the only way to do it. I glanced at all the packs that came just for this. Just to possibly die. They had no regrets deciding to help me though. They all held an emotion so strong it came of them in waves. Courage. Bravery.

Maybe after this was all over with, and we'd hopefully win, we'd all become a pack. Donovan and I might possibly get married. Have kids of our own. Donovan spoke in our mind link.
"I love you." He said with a crack in his voice.
"I love you more." I said back lovingly.
"I love you most." He replied.
"Not possible." I said quickly.
"Yes possible." He finished.

After those two words we all charged and jumped into our wolf forms. The rogues did the same right after us.
All I saw was red.

I could feel Ana's rage, the fury running in our veins. We let out a vicious growl when all the rogues did the same. A brown wolf snapped its jaws at me, causing me to mentally smirk. Big mistake. I easily got hold if the pups leg and him around, then threw him with a jerk of my head. He tried to get up but had little success. I jumped on top of him and clawed at his face harshly. The male wolf whined then trued to push me off if him. Well, sucks to be him. I quickly licked NY jaw around his neck and snapped it.

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