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I entered the teachers room to see Cho rong and his friends, Seojun, Soo-Ah, Taehoon and Jukyung squatting in front of the teacher.

Soojin and Suho was in front of the door, meaning they had just came in.

The teacher looked at me with a pissed expression "Were you also in this?" I nodded my head "They didn't do anything. I was the one who caused it" I said making him looking more pissed than before.

"Aigoo" screamed someone making everyone startled. The short headmaster entered the room "you punks" he screamed at my squatting friends making them lose balance and falling over each other.

"Aigoo.....aigoo.....aigoo......aigoo" the short man came closer to Suho. "Did our top student got hurt by any chance" I scoffed at him. We will see who is going to be your top student in the next exam! But I think Suho and I, both will probably come first. Wow, look at my overconfidence!

"What in the world did you fools do" he shouted at others. This bi*ch screams a lot. "To make Suho get involved in a fight?" He spoke softly at he looked at Suho. Delusional bi*ch!

I rolled my eyes "Can't you stop screaming? It's hurting my ear" I wanted to say that but I bit my tongue before the words came out.

"Mr.Han Joon woo? Mr.Han Joon woo?" Someone said entering the room. "Yes, that's me" Mr.Han spoke up.

"These flowers are for you" said the delivery guy, putting the flowers on the desk. Cho rong and his friends made 'o' sounds.

"Flowers? Who sent it?" Mr.Han asked looking confused. "Oh, it was sent by Lim Hee-" the delivery guy couldn't even finish his sentence because Mr.Han screamed loudly. Even I jumped.

"I'm sorry. Its nothing. Yes, I know who sent it" he spoke softly unlike before.

He then looked at us "I want you guys to go to the counseling room". He pointed at Jukyung "you"

"Yes?" Jukyung answered. "You guys" Mr.Han now pointed at all of us. What is wrong with him? This is so unlike him.

"Go to the counseling room" he said and we all nodded, making our way towards the room.

We were now sitting in the counseling room, writing I'm sorry. Seojun was sitting beside me. I saw him write a big I'm sorry in the paper and he fell asleep. Of course, he is going to do that.

"Are you guys Han seok bong or what? You write like calligraphers" Taehoon commented at Suho, Soojin and mine handwriting. "Why don't you just grind ink? When are we going to finish writing ten pages?" he finished.

"Here, look"he started to write at two pieces of paper with his both hands in the same time. "I've done it so many times that I can do it with both hands. What do you think?" He even had his eyes closed.

"If you had that kind of spirit while studying you would be the top of the class" I joked.

"Babe, they obviously never wrote this kind of stuff before" Soo-Ah said. "Look, here" Soo-Ah then started to write with three pens. Jukyung was watching them with her mouth open.

Soojin sighed watching them "you must be proud".

"I never had this kind of detention before but I had gotten suspended and I am proud of it. It was worth everything" I said remembering the time Jinu and I had trashed the whole school and wrote 'get a hair implant' in the hallway. The message was directed to the bald math teacher who always wore a wig.

He had given me a hard time for straight two years because we always ended up arguing when the test results came. What can I do when he gives me less marks then what I should actually get? Even the headmistress didn't even listen to me. The math teacher and the headmistress had something going between them.

So I had to get back. Then the next day we both got suspended. Jinu's parents and my father were outraged when they had found out what we had done. But my father eventually understood my ranting about the teacher giving me hard time.

"What you? Suspended? What did you do?" Soo-Ah's voice made me come back to reality. "Just trashed the whole school and wrote 'get a hair implant' in the hallway. The message was for my bald math teacher" I said.

"You are so cool" Taehoon said. "I'm sorry everyone. This is all because of me" Jukyung spoke up for the first time after we got here.

"Why are you sorry? Han Seojun" Soojin called out. Seojun looked up "you should apologize to Jukyung and Irene. This happened because they thought one of them were your girlfriend" Soojin said.

"Well, they look fine. Do you two not have legs? Why didn't you both ran?" Seojun said looking at us. "We have legs, okay? We also have something called brain. We were only two and they were more. What the hell do you think would happen if we ran? We could get caught" I said glaring at Seojun.

"Can't you speak nicely?" Jukyung said to Seojun. "Whatever. They will not bother you again, so don't worry" Seojun said.

"By any chance, did you fight with them again?" Jukyung asked. "Why would I fight with them?" Seojun laughed. "Do you even think they are good enough to fight me?" He smirked making me roll my eyes.

He made his hand in to a fist and some creaking sound happened "I would've beaten them to a pulp" he said now stretching his neck, making creaking sound effects. Can you be more dramatic?

"Beaten them to a pulp?" Soo-Ah and Taehoon said at the same time looking scared. "He is so scary" Soo-Ah said. "Let's hurry up. I am scared too" Taehoon said. They were both now curled up and were writing furiously.


I am back and alive!

My country's education system sucks🙂

Also I wanted to say that I can't promise when the next update will be. It could be after some hours or a week. I have Assignments due and my school is going to open. And opening of school means exam!

Pray for me

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