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°•|Third person POV|•°

"How is she?" asked Suho. "Still not talking. She won't even answer my call and if she does, she puts it beside her and stays quiet" Seojun sighed. "I went to the house too. She won't open the door" Jukyung said looking down. The three were sitting together. Suho and Seojun finally out of their hospital clothes. "It's okay. I'll be going home today anyway. She can't lock herself forever" he standing up with the help of the clutch, Jukyung also rushed towards him to help him. Suho understood Irene's position well. He was not so close with their father but Irene was. She loved him with all her heart, always thinking he was the perfect man to exist. She always looked up at him as her idol. He had also moved to America to stay with her. That's how close their relationship was.

Suho took a deep breath as he entered the house. After placing his things in his room he went to check on Irene. it took two knocks for her to open the door. Suho entered the room and Irene went back to laying on her. He sat on the single couch beside her bed and she turned her back against him, not ready to face him. She looked broken and confused. "You know you can't be like this" Suho started. "Yeah because only you are aloud to be however you want" she sounded weak and angry. "Irene-" she cut him off "I know we were not that close but that didn't mean that you have the right to take all the burden to yourself. You could've told me, anyone. Even if they didn't understand you. Sometimes you just have to act like an idiot and rant out even if you feel stupid afterwards" her voice was trembling as she spoke. "I know. I'm sorry" Suho softly spoke. There was a moment of silence before Irene spoke "You know I would never be angry if father dated anyone. I would be happy for him. But what he did that day was unacceptable. I can never forgive him for that. And it hurts too much because I can't even hate him. I loved him since I knew him. But now I feel like I didn't know him enough" she finally turned towards Suho. Her eyes red and puffy from crying. Suho moved over to her and sat down, gentle stroking her head. "I know I am the last person you think will say this but you know you can't hate him even if you want to. My relationship with him was never good to begin with and I can't also forgive him so easily. Maybe I never will. Still he is our father in the end. He loves you very much Irene" Suho stood up. "Also go out, will you? Your little boyfriend is annoying me very much because you aren't talking to him" he showed her his phone. Seojun was calling at the moment.

He left the room and went to the room where he, Seyeon and Seojun used to practice together. Memories of him and Seojun fighting while Seyeon sat by the piano trying to stop them flashed before his eyes. This room wss special to him. It somehow made him feel connected to Seyeon. He missed him dearly. He missed their friendship. He missed the old Suho, Seyeon and Seojun.

He sat by the piano as he stared at the picture of them three. How happy they were! Suho played 'missing you' on his phone and placed the phone on the piano. Not many people knew about the song as it was never released. Him and Seyeon had worked on it together. He again looked at the photo frame and took it in his hand. Does Seojun also misses them like he does? Suho placed the photo frame back and pressed a key on the piano. But it got stuck on something making him scrunh his eyebrows. He inspected the piano further to find something was stuck between the keys. He pulled out a paper and unfolded it to find a letter. It was Seyeon's handwriting. How come he hadn't noticed it before?

Dear Suho, Seojun and Irene,

I wasn't going to write this because it felt so corny. I wasn't able to thank you guys when I won 1st place because I was busy crying. I had only stopped crying when Irene had video called me and was freaked out about why I was crying. In the end we ended up laughing about some joke. Even if she was not present  here still I felt her warmth as I always do. She will be acting like I'm younger than her but I really feel like I'm her older brother. Sorry Suho I'm the oldest here. I'm writing a letter hoping you guys won't feel upset. I always had a lonely life. But thanks to you guys the past three years of my life were filled with warmth.
Thanks to our time together, I was able to laugh a lot, gain more confidence and finally achieve my dream. Today's the best day of my entire life and I will always remember you guys were with me today. My precious friends. I love you guys. I will feel embarrassed if you guys read this letter. So I hope you will never find it.


Seojun was crying. As he read the letter. Suho patted his back almost awkwardly. "Come on, don't be a crybaby. We came to meet him, not to cry and make him sad too" Irene said as the placed the jar of dandelions on the grave. She had personally picked every single one. Once Seyeon had told her about how much he liked dandelions and Irene had told him she was going to gift him. She did. She smiled at the thought. "Seyeon, don't feel lonely okay? I'm going to visit you more often and bring you more flowers" she said trying to hold back her tears.

"Hmmp. I'm jealous" Irene crossed her arms as she watched Suho and Seojun talk about the matching bracelets they got with Seyeon. They both laughed at her and continued to talk about what they did in school. "I'm going to walk around a little bit" Irene said as she started to walk to a big tree. She inspected the tree to see people had engraved their names on it. After some time she looked back at Suho and Seojun. They seemed to have a serious discussion. Seojun had told her he was going to fix everything with Suho as much as he could. She understood him and his perspective. She couldn't blame him, she couldn't blame anyone. They all were victims of luck.

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