Chapter 44|Dimple

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It's been a while. Way too long.

I'm so sorry for the wait I please don't punch me in the face

I'm happy to be back and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I hope you enjoy this long chapter as an apology💛


Songs you should listen to while reading.
All I want - Kodaline
Technicolor beat- oh wonder
Lights are on - Tom Rosenthal


Bianca's POV

Three years later

I dusted the remaining flour on my hands as I left the dough in the fridge.

I heaved a tired sigh as I looked around the dirty kitchen in exhaustion. "Great," I mumbled to myself as the thought of having to clean up the entire kitchen myself filled my mind. I really need to hire more staff.

"Don't you think we should close up for the day?" Rae asks me softly as he strolled into the catastrophe that was the kitchen. "You seem a bit too stressed and I'm too tired to do anymore baking... or cleaning," he adds while leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

His suggestion was tempting, too tempting, but I couldn't just close up so early.

"Rae it's 5 o'clock," I point out.

He shrugs as he pushes himself off the frame and approaches me with his arms sticking crossed. I ignore him and start cleaning up, just as I'm about to grab a dirty spoon he takes my hand, making me look up at him in annoyance.

"You work too much. How about I call Rose and we all go to The Way," he suggest with pleading eyes.

I didn't want to budge but I couldn't help it, his soft brown eyes were hard to say no to and I hate saying no to him, especially after all he and his grandmother have done for me.

"Fine," I give in. He grins happily and quickly helps me to untie my apron.

"I'll call Rose," he says excitedly as he rushed out, his long dreadlocks swaying after him.

Looking around the small kitchen I let out a small breath.

I'm better. A lot better.

Thinking of my life right now, it's crazy that just three years ago I was getting thrown into a cop car.

I didn't last long in jail. Maybe about six months.

I don't know who helped me get out but I have a feeling it was Asher, either way I'm grateful I did.

I got the therapy I so desperately needed and pieced my life together. I had nothing when I got out, I was a complete no one but I never saw it as something bad. There were no ties or people holding me back. This is a lot different than the last freedom I had. This one is real.

I met Rae exactly a eight months after I left jail, I was looking for a source of income and his grandmother needed extra hands in her bakery. We've been friends since then and I met Rose through him.

One thing I love about my new friends is how easily they look passed flaws. They new I had a dangerous past but not once did they ask, care, or judge. They are amazing people.

A year after I was working here, Rae's grandma 'Jorja' retired and let him have the bakery while she moved back to South Africa with her boyfriend. Rae knew he couldn't do it alone. He had different dreams that didn't involve baking, so he decided to let us co-own it which was the greatest gift I think I've ever had. I've always wanted my own bakery.

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