Chapter 03|King

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Should I do a face claim for them?

Melody P.O.V 


"Melody Dane."

After the sound of my voice I watched as the large metal gate creaked open.

Behind the gate stood a tall man with a large build. He stared at me blankly.

"Follow me, we've been expecting you," the man said, leading me through a narrow passage way that led to a door at the very end.

The man opened the door and  stepped aside, "I am Thomas, enjoy your... meeting," he said, his voice low.

I give him a tight smile and walked through the door. Immediately when I stepped in I was overwhelmed by the scent of weed, causing me to scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Ahh, Melody," a voice called, "welcome back sunshine."

I couldn't help the grin that spread on my face as I looked at my Grandpa.

"Grandpa!" I almost yelled, staring at the large man in a black suit with grey hair in front of me.

He sat on an office chair, behind a wooden desk that had papers scattered on it.

I sat on the free seat opposite him.

"How's my little princessa?"

"Doing great grandpa," I reply sweetly, the smile never leaves my face.

"So, any reports for me?"

"You have no idea," I reply, a smug smirk gracing my lips.

"No one from the two gangs have been active these past five years. All eight of them expect nothing, they think it's all over," I tell him smugly, a small chuckle escaping my lips as I pondered at their stupidity.

"I expected more, obviously your brother is in no place to continue the family business," my Grandpa says, disappointment laced in his tone.

"What else do you have for me?"

"I think the time to strike is now, when they're all comfortable," I suggest. He raises an eyebrow at my statement.

"We don't have enough alies, we need someone closer to them, with more... History."

I rolled my eyes, "it's been five years old man, might as well do it while you're still alive."

I smirked at my own words and saw his expression fall slightly, "thats not funny."

"To you," I snorted.

He glared at me, placing his small black gun on the wooden desk, as if to remind me I could die at any moment.

He should know it's not going to be that easy to kill me, I'm Melody fucking Dane.

I raised my hands in surrender and watched his shoulders relax. This man can't take a joke.

"For the past few months we've been trying to contact someone that could be of great help to us," I tell him.


"Antonio," I tell him, "and I believe he's willing to help, as long as he gets his hands on Ronaldo's little princess," I continue, pushing the folder in my hands towards him.

He doesnt speak and goes through the papers silently, "nice job, you have the address, fake names and recent pictures of all of them."

I flicked my dyed strawberry blonde hair behind my shoulder, "you can thank me later."

I heard the entrance open and close, then footsteps follow. I looked behind me to find Thomas and Rhea staring at both of us expectantly.

"So? What do you say?" I ask the old man.

"I think it's about time we get started, we've been planing this for years anyways," he says. "Now we can all get our own taste of revenge on every single one of them."

"So grandpa Dane," Rhea starts, "who do we go for first?"

"We're starting big, with a girl named 'Victoria Grayson', next week," he said. "You know the plan."

Rhea and Thomas nodded, but before they could leave grandpa speaks again, "and Rhea, don't let family or emotions blind you." He paused, "don't betray me."

"I won't sir, believe me. I want her blood more than anyone," Rhea says monotously and walks out with Thomas trailing behind her.

When they leave I turn back to him, "she's so going to betray us," I tell him knowingly. Bianca is her sister, for all I know they're relationship was pretty tight. It wouldn't be hard for her to forgive Bianca and betray us.


"I know," he says and leans back on his chair, "that is exactly why I told Thomas to handle her when she's no longer needed."

I let out a small laugh, "you're heartless."

"That's what makes me the king, Melody."


EDIT: This scene happened before the attack on Jasmine and Bianca. It shows who and how they planned it.

I hope you aren't too confused😂😂

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Elizi ❤️

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