Chapter 18|Denial

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Early update!

Bianca's P.O.V

We talked.

Hazel explained to me how she felt about Leo and I. While I explained myself to her and tried to make sure she understood I would never come between them.

It took a lot of tears and convincing, but we're cool now.

Hazel did ask some questions about my fight with Asher and I didn't hesitate to tell her what happened. In summary, she told me to apologise.


I tried to, I really did. Asher left the house after the fight, I got his number from Jasmine and called.

Immediately when he figured it was me, he cut the call and ignored all of my other calls and texts. I've called him every day for the past week but he's still ignoring me.

The guilt from what I said is weighing me down. I feel terrible.

I didn't mean what I said at all. I was angry and foolish. I let my anger control my big mouth so I said shit.

I hate living with the thought he's mad at me. It's like a burden that will not go away. I don't know why, but he's the last person I need to be mad at me.

Even though I don't admit it, Asher means alot to me. He always has, I really care about him no matter how fucked up he is now. To be honest, I miss talking to him. I miss how easy our friendship was five years ago.

I haven't seen him, Blake or Shawn since the fight. I shouldn't be affected because I'm used to Asher disappearing, especially since he's a pretty busy person; but this is different. I don't want him to leave, especially not the way he did.

"You gonna eat that?" Caleb asks from beside me, referring to the chocolate bar in my hand.

I frowned as I looked down at it. Michael is going to kill me if he finds out I've eaten eight or more bars of this everyday...for the past week.

Chocolate helps me handle stress, it's a habit my therapist imprinted on me.

"No," I mutter with a sigh and give Caleb the bar.

He doesn't eat it and stares at me worriedly, "what's wrong Bianca? You've been moody," he says.

We were both in the movie room, I was watching some Marvel movie with him but I wasn't really into it at the moment.

I sigh, "it's nothing, really."

He raises an eyebrow at me, "is it Asher? Or... Leo?" He asks.

I didn't want to reply and bother him with my problems, but I couldn't help myself.

"It's Asher," I confess.

He smiles slightly, like he were glad by my confession. "What about him?"

"I said some really terrible things and hurt him. I feel so bad Caleb! I didn't mean any of it, I promise. I was just so angry at him but he was just trying to help and I..."

"Hey," Caleb calls softly and places an arm around my shoulder, ignoring the bowl of popcorn on his lap that was about to spill, "don't beat yourself up about it so much. Did you apologize?"

I sniff, "that's the thing! He won't even talk to me, he keeps ignoring me. I really hurt his feelings Caleb. You know I'd never intentionally want to hurt him in anyway," I say.

I stooped very low that morning, and the look on his face tore me apart. It haunted me.

"Is this about the fight you two had that morning?" He asks quietly while softly caressing my arm.

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