Chapter 20|Taken

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Hey. Early update!!

Jasmine's P.O.V

I can't believe he's doing this.

He's an adult, a grown working man, but yet he'd do something as petty and childish as get a last minute girlfriend just to make Bianca jealous.

It's an obvious plan but Bianca seems to be too riled up to realize.

His plan is working painfully well. Bianca has been shooting daggers at Charlotte since they came, she hasn't even said a word.

It's been two hours since they've been here. Charlotte is the way she's always been; a pain in the ass...and ears.

Charlotte has been part of the gang for a while. She's a deliverer, one of the best.

"I swear if I hear that girl squeal 'oh my God' one more time I'm going to kill myself," I hear Leo whisper to me.

I try to hold back my laugh but fail miserably. Leo joins me with a small sniker.

"But seriously, what is Asher even doing with her?" Leo asks me.

I shrug, "never thought he'd be this desperate."

Leo chuckles, "at least he's making Bianca hella jealous," he says and nods towards Bianca.

Bianca was seated next to Caleb on the long couch, she had a small grimace on her face and I noticed her eyes occasionally go towards Asher and Charlotte.

As for Asher, he looked way too smug. It was obvious he could tell she was bothered and he was eating up all of the attention. I didn't miss his eyes flash to her adoringly tho.

They still love each other, and I didn't need this whole girlfriend fiasco to realize.

Asher did change. He became colder, his heart grew very dark and I know this because I kept in touch. But ever since Bianca came back, it's like his feelings for her opened up a door of opportunities for him to be himself again.

At least he's not frowning all the time, and even though he's acting childish and petty right now, it just proves he cares and that is no joke since he's been acting like he doesn't care about anyone for a long time.

I felt a new presence beside me, when I look to my side I find Michael in replace of Leo.

"Hey big boy," I great with a smile in my voice.

Michael rolls his eyes at me, "don't hey me."


"I'm frustrated," he frowns. I internally marvel at how cute he looked but keep a straight, professional face.

"I ask again. Why?"

"Asher knows very well there's a fucking mole in the gang, he isn't paying it enough attention. All he's doing is Bianca, Bianca, Bianca," Michael complains.

I refrain from slapping him in the face, "shut the hell up Michael," I snap at him and roll my eyes. "You're so irritating."

"You weren't thinking that last night," Michael teases with a wink.

I blink at him with my resting bitch face turned on. "Oh really, well you best not get used to it because that was the last time you'll ever get it," I snap at him and turn away.

He grabs my arm pulling me back, "I'm sorry! I was just joking!" He defends. I roll my eyes at him once more, "I'm really sorry Jasmine," he whispers softly, his eyes boring into mine. I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

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