Chapter 07|Toast

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"My name is Rhea Rodriguez and you are in great danger."


Bianca/Victoria P.O.V

It's been three whole days of missing classes.

I decided to send a letter to the school, telling them I won't be around because I have some important family business to take care of.

The day went by slow, it's almost noon and Jasmine and I are brain storming our current situation.

"Why did they stop?" Jasmine asked, staring at the stitches from her bullet wound. She was doing pretty well but I could still notice the slight wince she has on her face when she walks.

"Who?" I ask, turning my attention from my Hazel's laptop screen to her.

"It's been three days and nothing. They haven't attacked, sent any messages or even given us the idea if they know where we are," she explains.

"Maybe that attack was just a wake up call," I reply.

She hums, "It's like they want us to let our guard down."

I huff, "our guard is as low as it can get Jasmine. Look at us, living in our friends house with no protection whatsoever. We aren't trying hard to keep ourselves hidden, we even went on a date yesterday!"

She adjusts herself on the bed, "we have to leave this house," she says. "If they notice we spend a long time here they'll think we're comfortable and attack and if they attack us here, Hazel could get hurt."

"Since when did you start caring about Hazel?" I ask her with a small smirk on my lips.

Jasmine rolls her eyes at my words, "I don't like the girl but I'm not heartless. She has nothing to do with our situation and we're practically dragging her into our business without her consent. The least I could do is care about her life."

I look back at my screen without replying. I'm searching for the unknown address from a few days ago online, apparently there was a fire in that area; the building to be precise, three days ago.

I frowned. Could they have been a part of it?

No shit sherlock.

I looked more into the article while hearing Jasmine's voice in the background. I went through the pictures of the scene and stopped at one.

It was the picture of a reporter speaking into the camera in mid sentence, behind her was a wall and graffitied over it in red paint was a logo.

I zoomed in on it and my eyes nearly buldged out of my head. It was obviously a gang logo, but it seemed familiar.

"Jasmine," I call and she turns to me, "look at this, doesn't that seem familiar to you?"

She looks at the picture at first with squinted eyes before she goes pale.

"That's the gang's logo," she replies and it clicks. That's Dane's gang logo, but it doesn't look exactly like I remember it. Did they change it?

"Why does it look different?" I ask her.

"That's the old logo from back when Asher's grandfather was the leader. He is-or was-a pretty ruthless man. They called him Hades."

I stop myself from laughing, "people are way too hilarious. The god of the underworld, really?"

"He was a pretty big deal. But very terrible person, when Christopher grew up he didn't want to hand over the throne to him, so he tried killing his own son, but failed."

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