Chapter Two

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Flashing lights and deafening cries. A loud squeal on pavement. There's a clash. There's a fire. There's a scream.

. . .

Rainbow Dash wakes with a shout, her hand pressing firmly to her chest as she desperately fights for air. The silk sheet surrounding her body feels like a million heavy chains trying to hold her down, and she starts kicking her legs in terror–a desperate attempt to break free. Her magenta eyes dart around for something to focus on, but there's not a single light in sight. It's just black; there's nothing but darkness covering every inch of the bedroom. Panic slowly starts building up inside of her. She whimpers, a pathetic cry escaping her lips.

"Hey," a soothing voice says from beside her. It's so warm and sweet, and Rainbow Dash immediately feels a weight lift off her shoulders. She turns towards it and starts anxiously reaching out.

"Applejack..." she mumbles, followed by a loud sob, her hands desperately searching in the darkness.

"I'm right here," Applejack answers softly. She reaches out and grabs hold of the shaking hand, carefully sitting up and scooting closer towards the girl.

"I'm sorry..." Rainbow says quietly, her voice shaking and thick with tears.

"Shhh," Applejack says as she intertwines their fingers. She carefully brings the hand up to place a soft kiss on it; a kiss followed by a loving arm wrapping itself around the shaking shoulders. "It's okay... Everythin's just fine."

Rainbow Dash nods and starts blinking vigorously, attempting to stop more tears from shedding. She realizes that it's true, everything is truly fine.

It always is when she has Applejack by her side.

"You're really gunna go there again?" Applejack asks. Rainbow nods as she pulls a thick sweater on. It's a bit chillier today.

"I have to," she says, pulling her shoes on.

"No Rainbow, you don't. They say curiosity killed the cat for a reason," is Applejack's concerned reply.

Rainbow Dash glances up to meet her gaze. She sighs.

"It's important to me, AJ. You don't get it."

"Yeah, you're right. I really don't," Applejack says, crossing her arms with a shake of her head. "Jus' promise you'll be careful."

"Promise," Rainbow replies. She walks up to the blonde and pulls her into a quick embrace before leaving through the door.

"...Love ya," Applejack mumbles, but the girl is already gone.

Rainbow Dash is away for longer than usual. It's been 3 hours when Applejack finally puts down her book, realizing she can't progress with the anxiety pooling in her belly. She gets up and starts walking around in mindless circles in the empty living space—something she often does when nervous. Well, less now, since Rainbow Dash likes to complain about it.

A few silent minutes pass before she finally hears the familiar sound of a key turning in the hole followed by the pull of the handle. Applejack sprints towards the hallway.

"Rainbow, where have ya been? Y'all had me worried sick!"

Rainbow Dash shakes her head with a sigh. "Sorry Applejack, I was really close this time. I got caught in the last minute," she says, frowning.

A matching frown makes itself evident on Applejack's face. She takes a few steps forward and brings the sweating girl into a warm embrace.

"I'm just glad you're safe, sugar cube," she says as she starts working a hand through the multi-colored strands. Rainbow exhales appreciatively and buries her face into her chest.

"...I'll make you dinner today," she mumbles quietly, earning a surprised look from Applejack. "To make up for worrying you, I mean," she adds, sensing the confusion.

Applejack smiles. "Aw, shucks. You don't have to do that."

"But I want to," Rainbow says firmly as she pulls away to stare into those breathtaking emeralds. She grins. "Watch, not only will I make your favorite chicken skillet noodles, but I'll even let you put your disgusting ketchup on it!"

Applejack blinks at her in surprise, before bursting out laughing.

"Alright fine, you win."

Dinner turns out to be even better than expected. Rainbow isn't the greatest cook, but after a few months of living with the farmer, she'd mastered the art of perfect chicken skillet noodles. It was one of Applejack's favorites, after all. Rainbow would just have to deal with the girl squeezing ketchup onto her plate every time. According to Applejack, it tastes so much better with it. Rainbow Dash knows she's the element of honesty, but she still doesn't dare trust her judgment on that part.

She watches as the girl mixes the red fluid with her noodles, grimacing slightly. She has to bite her lip to hold back a disapproving comment; only because she promised she'd let the girl do it.

Applejack glances up at her with a smirk.

"What?" she asks, feigning innocence. Rainbow shifts her focus back to her own plate.

"Nothing," she says casually, adding a shrug to make it look more believable. Applejack just laughs at her.

"Ya should really give it a try sometime, y'know?" she says.

"No thanks. I like my noodles... not bright red and gross," Rainbow replies before shoving a clean bite of egg noodles into her mouth for emphasis.

"Suit yourself," Applejack says with a grin.

Rainbow watches as she starts eating. Though the plate admittedly looks disgusting, and Applejack isn't the most elegant eater, she still finds herself mesmerized by the view because god damn it, the girl was the most gorgeous thing she'd ever set her eyes on. She was certain she'd never find anything even half as beautiful as Applejack, and the girl wasn't even trying.

"You're so beautiful," she hears herself say.

Applejack pauses her eating to stare at the girl in front of her. She smiles, almost sadly, before closing her eyes and carefully putting her fork down.

"No, Rainbow. I'm not," she says slowly. "Not anymore, at least."

Rainbow Dash blinks at her in disbelief. Her face contorts as she shakes her head.

"You look beautiful to me," she says quietly, and Applejack opens her eyes to look at her again. She frowns.

"But it's all in your head," she mumbles back.

Rainbow Dash swallows loudly, lowering her gaze to the table in an attempt to avoid the stare. A sudden gloom overshadows her, and Applejack watches as her face crumples like a used tissue. Guilt flits across the blonde's face as she stands up and walks over to the girl. She puts her sturdy arms around her, bringing her into a warm and loving embrace.

"I'm sorry, sugar cube," she says with desolate eyes. Rainbow just shakes her head at that.

"For what? It's not your fault," she answers weakly.

Applejack hums. She brushes a hand through the bright-colored bangs and plants a soft, comforting kiss on the top of her forehead. She kneels to meet the sitting girl's gaze, and Rainbow Dash finds herself lost in those million shades of green.

"I love you," Applejack says with a smile, and Rainbow Dash nods.

"I know."

A/N: Thank you for all the overwhelming support on just the first chapter. What I've done to deserve this is beyond me. You all mean the world <3

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