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Hello, lovelies.

I know most people don't care about afterwords, but for the few of you who do, I want to explain the motive behind this story. Though I've jokingly mentioned that I purposely wrote a sad story to make myself cry, there's more to it than just tissues and sobs.

Last year, I lost my partner whom I had expected to spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to write something for those who have also suffered from a terrible loss. It's extremely tough, I know, and I'm very sorry. At some point, it feels like everyone around you just moves on with their lives while you're stuck in the past.

So for anyone who needs to hear this right now: I'm so sorry if your loss feels forgotten; that people stopped checking in and you feel like you're the only one who remembers them. I'm sorry if you feel lonely and shut out. I know it feels hopeless, but trust me, you're never alone.

On that note, I'd like to thank some special people who have shown me endless support throughout this story.

gayformlp, skittleshirh, usernamedoesnotfit, silkepalms, kaitinrean

As always, I'm forever grateful to every person who's read this, and I hope to see you in my future work as well <3

Remember that every single day matters. Take good care of yourself and make sure to tell your family and friends how much you love them. You never know when it'll be the last.

Love, Alice

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