Chapter Six

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Applejack isn't there to greet Rainbow when she enters through the front door, something of great terror to the girl. The blonde was usually always there to welcome her back home. Dash feels the anxiety pile up as she kicks off her shoes and hurries inside, quickly scanning the kitchen and living area.

"Applejack?" she says. There's no reply.

She runs down the hallway, checking every corner of the bathroom, just to be sure. Applejack isn't there, and Rainbow suddenly finds it difficult to breathe. She sprints upstairs.

"Applejack!" she calls down the empty hallway. Their bedroom door is closed, and without further thought, she rushes towards it and yanks it open.

Applejack is in bed, fast asleep. Though a little taken aback – the blonde wasn't usually keen on naps – a feeling of relief nonetheless rushes through her veins as her body slumps, tension abandoning her shoulders. She tiptoes towards their shared bed and carefully slithers into it, pressing herself as close to the other as possible.

The pure smell of Applejack, the warm heat of her body, the faint sound of her heartbeat, and the feeling of her feather-soft breaths on Rainbow's skin; it's all so overwhelming, stimulating a sharp sting behind her eyes.

Rainbow Dash curls into the blonde's chest as her sobs start echoing through the silence.

She isn't sure when it happened, but at some point, she had fallen asleep. When she opens her eyes, Applejack's face is barely an inch away from her own. Her eyes glisten brilliantly with its usual million shades of color. AJ doesn't open her mouth to speak, but she smiles at her, and Rainbow figures that's enough of a greeting.

"Twilight doesn't want to help me," she says. She realizes it's possibly the most unsexy topic to bring up in the given situation, but she can't help herself. She wants AJ to know. She clears her throat as she continues, "But it doesn't matter. I have to do something, even if it's alone. If I don't, I'll never move on."

"I know," Applejack answers, to Rainbow's surprise. She smiles crookedly before burying her face back into the girl's warmth.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me, Applejack," she says, voice full of affection and sincerity. Sadness flickers across Applejack's face, but Dash can't see it.

"So what's the plan, partner?"

Rainbow snickers at the familiar nickname. "I'm gonna talk to them," she answers.

"Who?" Applejack asks.

"The police, duh." Dash stretches in her spot on the couch. The movie the two were supposed to be watching together was long forgotten by both. "I contacted them already. They want my testimony," Rainbow explains.

Applejack studies the girl's face in the dim light, and Rainbow can barely make out the worry in her eyes. She puts a hand on her cheek and smiles reassuringly. "It's no big deal, AJ. I'll just tell them what I know and they'll throw him in jail in no time."

"That ain't how it works, Dash," Applejack points out. Rainbow waves her off.

"Well, it is now."

The blonde moves away from the girl to give her a harsh stare. "Rainbow, this could have huge consequences if yall don't think this through real careful, you hear me?"

"I know, I hear you. Don't worry, I have it all under control," Rainbow replies with confidence. Applejack's face scrunches up disapprovingly, but she doesn't say anything for a while. Rainbow shifts her attention back to the TV while allowing the girl time to collect her thoughts.

"Well, alrighty then..." she says finally, attempting to sound convinced, but the slight waver in her voice gives it away.

"AJ, it's fine, seriously. I know exactly what to say," Dash reassures her. Applejack nods.

"I trust you," she says, this time sounding a million times more certain than she had in her previous statement.

"Good," Rainbow says.

She grabs ahold of the girl's arm and yanks her back down to snuggle. Applejack holds her close and presses soft kisses on her neck. The girl has to bite her lip to refrain from laughing out loud. She lightly shoves the girl away.

"Hey, not fair."

"And since when do y'all care bout playin' fair?"

"Excuse me? I always play fair," Rainbow scoffs.

"Really?" Applejack says, unimpressed. "Shucks, I must've missed it. That's my bad."

"Yeah, that is your bad. But it's okay, I forgive you this time," Dash says with a smirk, deciding to completely ignore the sarcasm in the girl's statement.

"Gosh, Rainbow. What have I done to deserve your forgiveness?" the blonde plays along dramatically. Rainbow Dash's smirk widens.

"Well, for starters, you've been an awesome girlfriend," she answers proudly.

"...I have?" Applejack asks, suddenly turning serious. Rainbow's smirk fades as she studies the cowgirl's face.

"Uh, yeah?" she says slowly.

Applejack blinks at her a couple of times, as if not believing her words, before grinning widely. "I'm awful happy ya think that," she says, voice sincere and eyes glowing with tears. It takes a few seconds for Rainbow to fully grasp the situation and she momentarily freaks out.

"Wait- AJ, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Jeez, have I said something to make you think you haven't been a good girlfriend?"

Applejack brings a hand up to wipe away the tears in her eyes. She chuckles lowly as she answers, "You ain't done nuthin' wrong, sugar cube. I'm just happy to hear it."

Rainbow wastes no time pulling her into a loving embrace. "Shesh, why would I even date you if I thought otherwise?"

The blonde shakes her head but doesn't respond. She tightens her hold around the girl, as if her whole life depends on it, and Rainbow Dash doesn't complain. She's just happy to know that she, for once, could be the one there for Applejack.

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