A Night on the Town - Pete

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    "Another shot guys! C'mon!" Y/n shouted.

The girls ran over, happily downing more of the liquid that would fuel them on the dance floor. It was just your average Saturday night at the Troubadour- good music, fine drinks, and a fashionable atmosphere.

The band was in L.A. on tour and had decided to see the local scene. Almost every member brought their respective partner to the club, John and Keith bringing along whatever groupie that had most eagerly thrown themselves at them, Roger not bringing anyone in attempts to get lucky with a willing girl, and Pete brought his long-time girlfriend, Y/n.

      "On three! One, two, three!"

The girls downed their shots. Y/n didn't quite catch the name of the groupies but their names were something cheesy- something simple and cute to hide the real identity of the girls who had a normal, everyday life to live.  Laughing and sharing as much small talk as they could before the liquor hit them, they decided to check on the guys. They too, were laughing and sharing drinks- except Pete.

Pete sat in the middle of the commotion as Keith was up to his antics, John egging him on, and Roger attempting to flirt with an uninterested waitress. He sat still and solemn. Y/n could practically see the bitterness radiating off him. Nervous to approach him, she entertained the conversation with everyone else, trying to ignore the death glare she could feel burning into the back of her neck.

      "What's up with him?" One of the groupies whispered, looking almost as nervous as Y/n.
      "Dunno, one of his brooding moods I guess. He likes the attention." Keith loudly laughed.

Y/n felt Pete shift in the booth. This- although true- remark Keith made, pissed Pete off even more. Y/n assumed this anger was from what happened previously in the night, when they first got to the club.

When they ordered their first couple rounds of drinks, the bartender had been a little too friendly to Y/n for Pete's liking. He tried to ignore the compliments and free drinks given to Y/n, trying not to let it bother him. But Pete broke when the bartender had flirtatiously grabbed Y/n's hand in a bullshit attempt to give a palm reading. Pete saw right through this and knew it was an excuse for him to grab his girlfriends hand.

Y/n tried to assure him she had no interest and the bartender was just being friendly, it's a part of his job to be. But Pete was sure of the bartenders intentions and wouldn't let it go.

      "Ready to dance ladies?" The other groupie asked with a big smile. "This is my go-to dance song, I can't give up an opportunity like this!"

The girls ran to the dance floor and messed around for a while. Laughing and drinking more while the party continued to escalate. A group of guys had noticed the girls and started to dance with them. The other girls loved it, but Y/n felt guilty and kept her distance. She didn't so obviously grind on the guys in front of everyone as the groupies did.

      "Hey- watch it." Y/n bitterly shouted as the persistent guy who tried to dance with her got way too close.

She looked around for Pete, missing him. She would have rather been dancing with Pete than this touchy-feeley creep. As she scanned the club she noticed the tall, gangly, guy dressed in his signature white jumpsuit he thought made him look so cool. The only problem was he was dancing with another girl. It could hardly be called dancing, they were all over each other. Yeah, the bartender had flirted with her, but it was unreciprocated! He had no right to be all over this girl, she hadn't done anything with the bartender.

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