My Valentine- Keith

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Keith and I were throwing a Valentine's day party at my apartment. I had spent all week buying decorations and preparing love-themed food, while Keith focused on the selection of booze the party would have.

"Champagne, obviously," He hauled a bag from the liquor store with a big smile and set it on the counter, "vodka, whiskey, bourbon, rosé, and red wine." He ran over to me and smothered me in a hug.

"Keith," I laughed, "you promised we were going to take it easy tonight."

"But darling," he whined, "it's Valentine's day!" He pecked a quick kiss on my cheek and went back to the liquor, eagerly arranging them.

Keith hurriedly ran to the record player in the living room and threw on a record of romantic songs. "This old heart of mine-" I could hear him sing from the other room. "I love you, this old heart, darling is weak for you. I love you, yes I do, yes I do!"

I arranged the heart cookies on a small platter and brought them to the living room.

"Keith!" I screamed. He swiftly pulled me away from the platter and grabbed my hands. He twirled me around with a goofy smile on his face.

"Stop!" I laughed.

"Darling I-"


"Is weak for you!"

I tried to recover from my laughing fit as Keith watched me adoringly.

Keith held me close, "This is going to be the best-," he nuzzled his nose with mine. "Valentine's day party!"

I kissed him in return and smiled. He followed me around the house for the next couple of hours as I set up decorations and arranged appetizers.

"Anything I can do to help?" He would ask like an eager child. "Are you sure? Here- let me get that for you." He'd swoop in and take plates from my hand.

We hung the last paper hearts above each doorway and stood back to admire our finished decorations. Keith snaked an arm around my waist and offered a glass of champagne, "For you, my love." He kissed my cheek and looked at me with adoring eyes. "Oh! I've got a gift for you!" He ran past me into the bedroom.

I set down the champagne and slowly crept to the bedroom- "No! Stay out!" He shouted.

"Okay!" I laughed.

"Close your eyes."

"They're closed, Keith."


"I promise."

I felt Keith's fingers brush my collarbone and a cold metal lay on my neck.

"Keep them closed." He struggled to fasten the necklace. He carefully walked me in front of the mirror- eyes still shut.

"Okay. Open them!" He wrapped his arms around me and held his head on my shoulder as I touched the necklace.

"Oh my god, Keith. It's so beautiful!" Tears began to well in my eyes.

"A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl!"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I twirled around and gave him a big kiss.

He picked me up and laid me down on the couch and pulled at the hem of my skirt.

"Keith!" I squealed. "They should be here any minute!"

"They can wait." He muffled into my neck.

On cue, the doorbell rang followed by a knock on the door. We sighed and looked at each other.

"We'll finish this later." He promised then got off me.

I patted down my hair and straightened my skirt. Keith followed closely behind me, keeping a soft hand on the small of my back.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" John's wife Allison greeted us with a hug. John smiled and laughed as Keith gave him a large kiss on the cheek.

"Come in, come in!" Keith ushered the couple. "Whiskey for you, obviously," He began to make a drink for John, "And what would you like love?"

"Champagne, please." Allison politely responded. She took her arm in mine and we walked to the kitchen. "So.." She started.

"So?" I gave her a questioning look.

"Well, what did Keith get you! John spoiled me this year-" She smiled big. "fur coats, jewelry, shoes, makeup!"

"Oh, that's wonderful!" I shared her excitement and touched my necklace, "He gave me this!"

"Oh wow," She touched the necklace with wide eyes, "that's beautiful. I didn't know Keith had such good taste."

"Me either!" I laughed.

"Girls, get in here!" Keith shouted from the other room.

More guests arrived within the hour and the apartment became packed quickly. Surprisingly, Keith stayed mostly sober, politely sipping on red wine throughout the night.

"Keith," I drunkenly laughed, "I'm so drunk."

He laughed and continued to dance with me.

"I've got another gift for you, my love." He whispered in my ear.

"Oh really?" I looked at him with admiring eyes and played with his hair.

"Really." He kissed my arm that was around his neck. He led me to a chair in the middle of the room and sat me down.

"Keith- what?" I stuttered.

"You ready?" He smiled and turned away before I could answer. "I'd like your attention everyone!" The room quieted and all eyes were on Keith.

"This lovely woman here, sitting in this chair," He turned back to me and grabbed my hand. "Is the love of my life. She is my rock, my reason to live, my happiness, my everything." I began to tear up. "And, if she's willing, I intend to spend the rest of my life with her." He got down on one knee and plucked a small velvet box from his jacket.

"Will you marry me, y/n?" His eyes glimmered as much as the ring.

I began to cry. He looked on nervously as some in the audience gasped.

"Of course, Keith!" I cried and threw my arms around him.

The room burst into shouting and applause. He slid the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. Friends slapped him on the back, as girlfriends ran up and admired the ring.

"To the new couple!" Someone shouted and everyone raised their glass.

"To Keith and y/n!"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the corners of my mouth.

"You've just made me the happiest man alive."

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