Please Don't Leave Me- Keith

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"Why did you do this to me?" You shouted at Keith. Tears welled up in your eyes as you clenched your fists in anger at the sight of him. You bit down hard on your lip and felt blood touch your tongue.

"Why me?" You stepped closer and looked at him with disappointment and resentment. He began to speak but you cut him off.

"I do nothing but love and support you. The least you could do is appreciate that." A small tear fell from your eyes and you quickly turned to hide it from him.

"Please don't cry." He begged and tried to grab your arm. You pulled it away from his grip and glared.

"Don't touch me." You hissed. "You'd better wash your hands a million times before you'll ever be able to touch me again. How dare you? You told me not to worry about her, she was just some stupid secretary. That was it. That's what you said to me. But you lied. How dare you, Moonie."

He stood there at a loss for words and began to break down into tears. As much as you hated him at this moment and wanted to hit him and scream at him, it broke your heart to see him cry. He cheated on you with The Who's secretary and you found out from the guitar tech for the band. You watched him with disgust while he pulled himself together.

"I didn't! Please believe me!" He choked. He paused and tears continued to fall down his face. "It was the guitar tech that told you that, wasn't it?"

"It doesn't matter who told me. They did me a favor. You shouldn't be mad at anyone else but yourself."

"Listen, Y/N, I told him that to save Pete's ass. He's been seeing our secretary for a while now and our tech found out about it. When he confronted Pete, Pete denied it. He didn't believe Pete, so he asked me to cover for him."

"Bullshit. Why would it matter to the tech anyways if Pete's screwing your secretary?"

"Because he's dating the secretary."

You both stood quietly for a moment as you decided if he was telling the truth. Anger and hurt were still racing through you and you just wanted to be alone to distract yourself from the situation. If he was telling the truth, you felt bad for Karen who was dating Pete. If he was lying? You would never speak to him again.

"I'm sorry Keith. I still don't believe you. I'm going to stay with my parents tonight. Don't call, I don't want to speak to you anytime soon. Unless you have proof you're telling the truth. Goodnight."

He broke down again and covered his face in his hands as he sobbed. You walked to the bedroom and packed a small suitcase that would keep you clothed for the next couple of days. You phoned your Mom to come to pick you up at the local drugstore because you couldn't bear to be in that house with Keith for another minute. As you zip up the suitcase you heard the door open and a sniffling Keith walks in.

"Please don't leave me."

"I'll call you when I'm ready to speak to you." You grabbed the suitcase and pushed past Keith to the front door. He stood in the bedroom as you walked to the front door. You stopped and debated saying a final goodbye. You hated him for not running after you and making one last effort to get you to stay. To show how much he loves you. To show how much he cares. But he did none of the sorts. You silently walked out the door and walked the short trek to the drugstore on the corner of the street.

You waited in the wind and cold hating yourself for not bringing a jacket when your Mom finally pulled up to the curb. You got in quietly as your Mom interrogated you for answers.

"Did he hit you? What did he do, baby, tell me. You have me worried sick. Did you guys break up?"

A tear fell down your cheek and your Mom saw it instantly. Her demeanor quickly changed, she apologized and went quiet. You continued the ride home in complete silence until you pulled into your Parent's neighborhood.

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