The Halloween Party - John

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It's Halloween night and you were invited to go to a Halloween Party at Keiths house- that started in 30 minutes.

Your friend John was picking you up and you couldn't be more excited. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you ran around getting ready. The butterflies were mostly because of John. You've had a crush on John since the moment you met him, his intoxicating blue eyes, his intimidating expressions, his closed off stance; he almost seemed unwelcoming and that made you want to be invited in even more.

You jumped around as you tried to shimmy your way into a black leather body suit. You decided to go as a cat and John was hopefully going as a dog. He didn't seem too keen on the dressing up in a dog costume part, but it meant a lot to you so hopefully he did it. You straighten your hair and throw it behind your shoulders, adding a headband with cat ears. You powdered your nose once more and checked to see if your eyeliner and eyeshadow weren't smudged. You effortlessly glide on a red lipstick that tied the entire look together.

You twirl your rum and coke you had made to loosen up before the party. You sit on your bed waiting for John, your thumb making circles around the rim of the cold glass. You were also waiting to put on your black high heels until the last second because you hated wearing heels and were dreading the hopefully eventful night in them.

The doorbell rang and you sprinted to the door.

"Coming!" You shouted with a grin.

You swung open the door, panting, and were happy to find a smiling John on your porch.

"Come on in," You smile and pull him into your apartment "Hungry for anything? I'd offer you a drink but you're driving- and I'm already a little tipsy" You giggle into him. You could sober up easily if you wanted to but it was easier to talk to John when you had some spirits running through your body.

John keeps his tall, straight stature as he supports you. He snaked a hand to your lower back and you melted into him. He looks down and smiles at you while you fiddle with the collar of his shirt. Then you realize- Johns not wearing his costume!

"John!" You gasp.

"What?" he chuckles at your random alert.

"You're not wearing your costume!" You added extra grit as you said costume and looked up at him. His smile quickly faded and his eyes widened as he looked at you nervously. You removed his arm off your back and stepped away from him, giving him a glare and a disappointed look.

"Why didn't you wear it?" You sounded like a mom lecturing her child.

"I'm sorry, I forgot?" He slowly let out, questioning if his excuse was valid enough. You heard the diphthong in his "forgot" and concluded the excuse was not valid nor real.

"Damn it John!" You threw your hands down in slight frustration. "I'm going to look like a fuckin' fool if there's no dog to go with my cat!" You whined.

He laughed at your phrasing and you shot him another glare,

"Nothing funny about this John." You snapped. The chuckle was wiped off his face immediately and he returned to his meek expression.

"Maybe just a little funny?" He places his hand on your arm and gives a reassuring smile, while also tensely keeping himself as far away as possible in a small fear of you hitting him.

Without fail you melted into his arm and brought yourself closer to him. He stopped tensely leaning away and moved in close to you to fill the gap.

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