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Klara's pov

The doctor checked me and told me that its just normal period cramps and then i am good. The doctor then prescribed me some pain medicines which i took and slowly i am getting better.
"Klara you have to eat something" Azrael said , no more like ordered.
"I just ate at school" i replied
"And exactly how much time has been passed since we both left school and you came here" Azrael raised his eyebrows.
"Fine. I will eat" I accepted my defeat, because no way in hell i am gonna win from any argument with Azrael.

"Alex you and klara both go and eat something from the kitchen , helga will serve you both something good as you always say  good food is 'junk food' . Which I totally dont agree, and i am going to change my uniform, so you both better eat." Yes definitely Azrael said this because from what i have seen everyone listens to Azrael, but i am different so i am not going to listen to his orders.
Hot dumbass .

"You don't order me, and alex and i are best friends so we are going to do whatever we want to do" i pointed my index towards him in a threatening position and took Alex's hand and went off to their kitchen , which I really don't know where is?

"Umm alex who is helga by the way" i asked

"Oh she is our head maid. She is really nice and cooks best food" alex smiled .

"And where exactly is the kitchen" i scratched my head in a awkward manner.

"Master Alex i was looking for you everywhere, Mrs Violet will kill me if I don't serve you your food at right time! Now come on lets go, oh sorry Miss I didn't saw you" a woman of around fifty or sixty years of age came towards in like bolting speed of wind. She looks like a very cheery woman.

"Oh its okay" i replied

"Helga! We were just coming to you, she is klara and she is going to be Azrael's girlfriend" Alex explained! Wait a second, what is with alex ? Why is he so accomplished to make me and Azrael a couple?
I coughed and looked away.

"Oh my god! You are the famous Klara de Luca , its nice to meet you" helga said with quite bowing down manner. Why is she doing this? I am just normal girl.

"Hi helga call me klara or anything you want, and please dont bow or something, i am not royalty or anything" i chuckled at the thought of me being a royalty, well royalty is nothing but a 'certainty'. Haha i am thinking so much, as if i am not royalty, well mostly my brothers has made me royalty with all their glory attitude.
Scaring away and all, that lorenzo idiot ! He is allowed to have a girlfriend and i am not even supposed to make a boy-friend. I really have no one except Sophia and Lia and some of Azrael's and my brothers friends.

"You are really different, come on i will serve you both lasagna which i just made" helga said smiling .

And believe me the food was delicious, we three chatted a lot and helga was really nice, the kings mansion also just gave me my home vibes.
"Klara come on we will watch movies" alex said cheerfully, he too is like me!
"You love to watch movies?" I asked dumb foundly , because i think so he too loves movies.

"Love? I everyday watch a new movie!" Alex said.
"Thats correct" azrael said , coming in his newly changed clothes which are black sweatpants and black tshirt. Its my first seeing him so normally in clothes. And damn he looked hot!

"Klara i have got you some small clothes of Mrs Violet, which arent big for you" helga came, with some clothes for me.

"Thank you helga, you are lifesaver! I was getting so annoyed in this stupid uniform" i grunted .

"You know actually sound like a pig"

"Excuse me What the hell Azrael" Before he could reply he went away with alex. Helga showed me their guestroom , in which I quickly changed my uniform and placed it in my bag.
I wore an purple jumper which was very cute and i loved it.
On the way to Theatre Room i saw Mr king and Ryan, they both were sitting at living room and discussing something.

"Good evening Mr King and Ryan" i went towards them and greeted. Well that really wasn't a good idea.

"Jesus klara you scared me" Ryan said placing his hand on heart.

"Oh hello klara , how are you doing" Mr king asked.

"I am fine Mr king, Azrael, I and alex are watching movie, you both want to come" I asked politely

"Oh no no we have work and you guys enjoy, and klara stay for dinner" Ryan said, ryan is too very good. They all are so good to me but big bad wolves to outsiders.

"Its fine ryan, My dad will kill me if i will come late, Azrael and I both came here, i was not feeling well and my brothers were busy" i explained

"Are you fine now?" Mr king asked

"I am good , i am sorry but i think so I should go before alex will come here and drag me away" i awkwardly chuckled.

"Klaraaaaaa where are you" alex started yelling from theatre room.

"Thats my cue" i hurriedly went off to theatre room.
"I am sorry, i just met Mr king and Ryan on the way" i said.

"Dad and Ryan weren't supposed to be here till dinner but whatever." Azrael said. Nowadays Azrael is quite stressed as far i have heard from my mother, he is going to take American mafia soon.

"Can we please like cherry on a top please watch ICE AGE" alex said showing his puppy dog eyes.

"Absolutely yes! I love that movie so much" i chanted
I didn't gave Azrael an chance to say anything because I hurriedly played the movie.
Half way through the movie, Azrael left for some work and alex and I continued to watch it.

"Miss Klara your brother Mario is here to pick you up" one the maid said.

"Thank you so much i will leave now. Please say my goodbye to helga" i smiled at the maid.

"Flowerrr no why can't you stay" alex started getting his eyes teary.

"I have school tomorrow and i will come back soon. I promise" i tried to cheer him up.
After few minutes i and mario left for home.
And i exactly know there is going to be lot of questioning !

Hii guyss!!!
Hope you guys are enjoying the story.
Fall is here!!! 🌸

Is it me or you guys too who just can't wait for Stranger Things season 4???

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