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Azrael's PoV

I have messed up and i know! I love her! But i am afraid!! The fckn Irish Mafia is on our head, and thar irish leader wants to control all the mafias.
Like in hell that's ever going to happen!
I am so confused about my feelings, i I don't know if she likes me or not. I mean yeah i have been a pretty jerk to her since a week but that was just because i was trying to find my feelings.
I still remember the day when i got all jealous and possessive towards her and was literally about to murder that poor boy.


I was with xax and chuck and we were going to parking lot just because we all were not in the mood to attend classes and we decided to head at my home.
Klara was sitting by the fountain talking to a BOY SPECIMEN! Which was not Me, Her brothers or our friends!
Who the hell is he? And why is he talking to her? Seeing my furious behaviour xax and chuck tried to calm me down.

"Azrael i think so he is just a friend of klara don't you dare go and beat the shit out of that person" chuck warned.

"Azrael i will beat your ass if you do anything" xax glared at me!
"If you weren't my friend i would have killed you" I replied and slightly chuckled.
Xax placed his hand on his head and started speaking Chinese!

"Dude how can you speak Chinese its like one of the most difficult language" chuck said.

I paid no attention to their bickering and went towards klara and that BOY SPECIMEN.
They were not able to see me as i was facing their back. I could hear out their talks and she was laughing so much!

"Really? You did that oh my god" her sweet laugh was making me crazy.
Pull yourself together Azrael!

"Yeah i can teach you that" the boy said too laughing.

"Well well if it isn't the famous Rapunzel and her Flynn Rider" i said showing myself in front of them.
My guards saw me and waited for my signal , i showed them my hand and dismissed them.
They all quickly understood and went away.
"Hello Azrael" klara gave me a small smile.

"What are you doing here" i said gritting my teeth.

"Oh i am helping my friend Flynn here"

"Mr A-Azrael i -i will ju-just go" the flynn guy said , he took his bag and hurriedly went off.

"Wtf Azrael you just can't  come here and make my friends go hella scared" she shouted.

"Why were you talking to him!" I said clearly loosing my temper.

"Why do you care? You are the one who just needs time! I don't knew know for what! Stop treating me like i am some girl that's obsessed with you because i am not! I waited for you but you didn't came" klara said her eyes were about to get teary , i broke her heart and i did nothing.

"Its new for me okay? I didn't knew I liked you or not! I was confused! I havw fckn mafia to run. What the fck do you think of me as?" I too shouted.

She didn't said anything, i took her hand and dragged her to my car.
"Listen here babydoll. I am clearly explaining you that You are MINE! And solemnly MINE. If anyone who I don't know looks at you longer than it is needed i am gonna kill him, and i won't fckn care. Because You for one are MINE" with that i pressed my lips on her. She is driving me crazy and will i admit ? Yes but when the time is right.
She was still in shock like what the hell did just happened . I caressed her cheeks and kissed on her forehead.

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