Ch. 4 - Complex Mystery

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"Kari! The apple things were delicious, I loved them. I can't thank you enough...!"

That was the first thing Milo said to Kari when he saw her again while waiting outside of their next shared class. Kari was filled with warm fuzzies from head to toe. His words sounded genuine.

"Apple fritters. But thanks, I'm so glad you liked them! Do you feel better?"


She knew it. He visibly had a lot more energy than before. But she wanted to hear it from him first-hand. She smiled and giggled.

"Good. They'll keep you held over 'til whenever you have lunch, right? You can just keep snacking on them whenever you need them."

"...Uh. Mhm, yep." He looked to the side and nervously smiled. In contrast to what he said previously, something about that response seemed dishonest, but Kari didn't reflect on it because her mind was on something else; batting away the urge to reiterate the importance of eating breakfast before school. She didn't want a repeat of before. Luckily for her, her thoughts were interrupted by Milo making her heart melt.

"Kari— seriously. Those were... really good. One of the best sweet things I've eaten. I need you to know that because— really was that good. You're talented, it felt like something from a restaurant..."

Although he didn't make eye contact with her, instead opting to look down and twiddling his fingers, it felt as genuine as the previous compliment.

"Thank you! I'm trying to practice a lot. I wanna be a chef! I always have, ever since I was little." she explained with mirthful passion.

Milo had his eyebrows raised and his mouth opened, intrigued. "...A... a chef...?"

"Yep! You're looking at a future five-star chef that'll be known the world-over!" Kari boasted, thumb pointing to herself. But the confidence was fleeting; she returned to a more mellow composure. "...Hopefully. ...But. Yeah. I think I'd be an awful chef-in-training if I let one of my good friends go hungry. So I'm really happy I could help."

Milo was so consumed with awe that he was at a loss for words. His mouth still hanging open, he nodded.

"I think I was lucky getting into that cooking class," Kari said. "I worried they wouldn't have room. Transferring here a couple months into the school year. I could tell my teacher was assuming I'd be lost. But I sure surprised him with the cooking. Especially when I told him I'm self-taught. We also learn about nutrition in there and, while I know a bit, I don't know everything. So I was a little lost with that. But I find it very interesting so I'm basically caught up now."

"Sounds like it's the perfect class for you. One class you get to have fun in. Every class for me is agony and feels like an eternity and a half. Wish I had a class I enjoy, so school would go a little faster..."

"I'm sorry..." Kari apologized. She hoped all this apologizing she was doing at his vents didn't appear empty. She truly felt sorry for him.

Their conversation was cut off right there by the teacher arriving and unlocking the door, telling the students to go inside. 

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That one Monday morning was on the extreme end, but it soon came to Kari's attention that Milo coming to school hungry is the norm. Granted, she does not know that for certain, but it makes sense. His disposition on a day-to-day basis can be plotted on a sliding scale, from his typical lack of energy at best to doubled over and writhing from hunger pangs at worst — hunger would explain it all.

She knows this is not her business. Or that it shouldn't be. But this is her good friend and it seems to bother him a lot, so that makes this her business!

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