3) 'Home'

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"Here we are." Paddy informed us as he pulled into the driveway of what I assumed was my new 'home'.

"Thanks Paddy." Liam thanked his security before unbuckling his seat belt and stepping out of the car.

I just sat where I was frozen, looking at the house where I would soon be living.

"You getting out, or what?" Liam laughed at me, opening the car door.

"Oh, yeah." I giggled nervously.

With Liam holding my suitcase he unlocked the front door and stepped into the massive house that he now lived in.

The front room was a lounge with a massive staircase behind it. On either side of the staircase were two corridors both leading to different areas of the house.

"Holy shit." I swore under my breath inaudible to anyone but myself.

"Boys! We have a guest!" Liam called out, his voice echoing through the massive space.

Soon enough the sound of thundering footsteps were heard as the band made their way to the front lounge. Soon enough four boys made their appearances.

Harry and Zayn were standing staring over the edge of the railing on the second landing of the house. Louis had come from one of the corridors and Niall the other.

"Y/N!" The four boys shouted, deafening me.

Niall came running at me full speed before hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. Zayn, Harry and Louis had also now come over to say hello.

"Hi guys." I giggled at their antics.

"We've missed you Y/n." Niall said letting me go so the others could say hi.

"It's been a while." Said Zayne, hugging me.

"Long time no see mate" Chuckled Louis as he too gave me a hug.

"Hello beautiful." Harry smiled before also hugging me.

"Welcome home Y/n." Liam exclaimed.

I smiled at him and looked around the room.

"I'll show you your room and then we can show you around the place." Suggested Liam picking up my suitcase before he made his way up the staircase.

"Sounds like a plan." I responded, following him to my room.


The minute I finished unpacking I was met by five smiling faces in my doorway.

"Ready for your tour?" Harry smiled excitedly.


The house was massive. Upstairs was 7 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a bigger one and a smaller one. The bigger bathroom even had a small spa in it. There was also a lounge room and study upstairs not that any of the boys actually used the study.

The two hallways led to two different parts of the house. The corridor on the left led to what the boys called the 'fun' side of the house and the one on the right led to the more 'serious' side. The reason the boy called the left side the 'fun side' was because it led to their main lounge and game room.

Inside the game room was an X-box, a Wii and a PlayStation that were all connected to a massive flat screen tv. Lined up along the wall were different arcade games. Underneath the tv was a chest of drawers, inside the draws was where the boys kept all their games, controllers and even their VR set. The space was also littered with plush couches, gaming chairs and bean bags to sit in. This room was by far the most expensive thing in the entire house.

The lounge room was pretty chilled out compared to the craziness of the games room. Two massive couches filled the space which both faced yet another massive flat screen tv. At the back of the room was a small bar complete with a popcorn machine and a lolly bar.

There was also another bathroom, which was just a toilet, down the left side of the house as well as a gym for when the boys wanted to work out.

Down the right side of the house was the kitchen and dining space. The kitchen and living area were combined into one big open space. There was a large glass sliding door in this space that led to the backyard which was just as massive as the interior of the house.

Outside was a massive pool and hot tub as well as an outdoor lounge and kitchen space where you could host a barbecue. Even further into the backyard was a basketball court. Apparently it had originally been a tennis court but the boys asked to change it to a soccer field, but it wasn't a big enough space, so instead had them change it to a basketball court.

Also down the right side of the house was a large music room. Inside the music room was a drum kit, 2 electric guitars, 2 acoustic guitars and a gorgeous black grand piano. I knew exactly where I was going to be spending most of my time; in front of the piano.

"So what do you think of the house?" Asked Louis as we made our way back into the kitchen.

"Big. Like really big." I said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Don't worry, if you get lost we'll help ya out." Zayn laughed.

"It's good to have you staying with us. We meet with tour management in a few days so we can fill you in on the tour then." Liam informed me as they sat down at the table.

"Okay, sounds good."

I stood there awkwardly. I loved the boys, truly I did. But it was always awkward. I wasn't extremely close with the boys like they were with everyone else's siblings. Staying with them and going on tour with them was going to be a challenge. They didn't know about my anxiety or my eating disorder and that was going to make things hard. I didn't exactly trust the boys either, I didn't even know if I trusted Liam. It had been so long since I had last seen him that I wasn't even sure if he was my brother.

"Thanks for the tour guys, and letting me stay with you."

"Anytime Y/n! We're just glad we get to spend some more time with you." Harry replied with enthusiasm.

The other boys shook their heads in agreement, all smiling at me. They were trying to make me feel comfortable, but I just wasn't sure yet.

"I'm really tired. Is it ok if I go rest a bit?" I asked Liam shyly.

"Of course you can! You've had a long day. I'll wake you up for dinner." He smiled before giving me a hug and leading me out the kitchen.

"If you need anything just give us a shout."

"Thanks Liam."

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