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Liam's POV:

"So?" Louis inquired.

"So what?" I shot back at him confused as to what he's referring to.

"So spill the beans." Zayn weighed in.

"Spill what beans?" I didn't understand what they were on about.

"There's something you're not telling us."

"About Y/n." Harry finished Zayn's sentence.

I could not tell them about Y/n's anxiety or about her eating disorder, she would kill me. Wishing that I had made the sadness in my eyes less obvious when looking at my sister I stood stock still and just stared at the boys.

"Come on then, tell us mate." Niall chimed in while all four of my bandmates sat staring at me expectantly.

I took a deep breath in and spoke.

"Y/n is.... Fragile." I tried to explain.

"What do you mean by fragile?" Asked Harry.

I hesitated in explaining. I knew that if Y/n found out that I had told the boys she would be so angry at me. She didn't trust the boys as much as I did since she's spent so little time with them. She doesn't even trust me as much as she used to because I don't see her as often as I should.

"Liam, you can trust us. We're family and now that Y/n's living with us and she's joining us on tour, she's family too." Louis coaxed.

"Y/n has anxiety and an eating disorder." I breathed.

"For how long?" Zayn asked, his voice full of concern.

"A few years. Her eating disorder is fine now it's just when she shuts herself out from the rest of the world that it becomes bad. Her anxiety has improved. She hasn't had a panic attack in a long time so she's okay. But change is hard for her. Both Mum and I are worried about her leaving home. Being in the public's eye is going to be hard for her and she's going to need all the support she can get."

"And she'll have support. From all of us." Louis said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Yeh, she's family now." Niall smiled.

"Now the challenge is getting her to feel at home and for her to trust everyone." I sighed.

"Well then, we're just going to have to work hard and build strong relationships with her. Aren't we lads?" Zayn gestured to the other boys.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. It was good to know that Y/n had a strong support system and that the boys really did consider her as family. Maybe this change wasn't going to be so hard after all.


Y/n had been living with us for a week now and she seemed to be settling in okay. So far she had spent most of her time with Louis playing Mario Kart. Louis seemed to have been spending the most time with Y/n. She seemed more relaxed around Louis. He had made it his personal mission to make her laugh each day which made me smile, knowing that Y/n was beginning to feel more at ease with her new surroundings was comforting.

The other boys were talking to Y/n frequently, but Y/n was persistent in avoiding them. Niall was keen on conversation and getting to know Y/n and she was happy to answer his questions.

It wasn't until dinner on Thursday night that I knew Y/n was starting to settle in much better than what I was expecting. We had just had a 3 hour meeting with tour management about the next tour and decided to order chinese for dinner. We were sitting in the games room eating when Louis picked up a conversation with Y/n about Mario Kart.

"You should see Y/n play Mario Kart. She's crazy good." Louis exclaimed as he dug into the fried rice.

"I'm not crazy good. It's just your crazy bad skills that make mine look so crazy good." My sister laughed, teasing Louis.

"Hey!" Louis cried, throwing a piece of chicken at her.

All the boys laughed and then laughed even harder when Y/n threw it back at him and it landed on his eye.

This only caused a massive conversation between the six of us about our gaming skills. Y/n was laughing and smiling. She was openly talking and making jokes with the boys and it had only been a week since she first arrived. That was the moment I knew that she would adjust to the change just fine.

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