9) Secrets

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Y/n's POV

Today was the day. One Direction's first show of their new world tour. I was beside myself with excitement. After watching countless rehearsals and sound checks and seeing everything for the tour fall in place I was desperate to see them finally perform in front of their thousands of fans.

I walked into the small kitchen of the tour bus only to be greeted by five smiling faces.

"Y/n! Did you know we have our first show tonight!" Niall shouted as he jumped up from his seat.

He pulled me into the tightest hug I've ever had before picking me off the floor and swinging around in a circle.

"Niall! Put her down." Liam reprimanded while Harry came to save me from the excited Irishman.

"Thanks." I breathed.

"And, yes Niall I did."

Once I sat down at the table Louis began showing me some of the crazy tweets the fans were tweeting. They were probably more excited than Niall, which is saying something. We giggled as they progressively got more and more abstract.

"What are you two laughing about?" Zayn asked as he too joined us at the small table.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." Louis teased.

Zayn shot him a look and Louis quickly threw his hands up in defence.

"We're looking at some of the fans' tweets. And boy are your fans crazy." I defused the rising tension.

Both Zayn and Niall peered over to look at some of the tweets. They too were soon laughing at how ridiculous they all were.

"So, what's on your agenda today Y/n/n?" Harry sipped on his tea.

"Not much. Probably just watch you guys rehearse, maybe go for a ride in one of the buggies, mess around with Paul."

"What! No fair. How come she gets to ride in the buggies for fun." Niall complained.

"Because 'she' is much less likely to crash." Paul jumped in to defend me as he stepped onto our tour bus.

"Morning Paul." We all said in unison.

"Good morning. I'm just here to let you know that you have a soundcheck in an hour and a meet and greet with some of the VIP fans before the show." The tour manager informed us.

The boys all nodded in response.

"As for you Y/n. Security is at your command whenever you need us and give me a shout if you want me to set up a Segway for you." Paul turned to me.

"Thanks Paul!"

Louis and Niall's jaws dropped to the floor in jealousy. The two of them loved to mess around on the Segways but were never allowed because they always caused too much trouble and crashed into things.

With that Paul waved us goodbye and stepped back out of the tour bus. Liam then turned to me.

"Want anything for breakfast?" My brother asked me.

I had come close with Liam a few times about hiding the fact that I wasn't eating. It had been five days since Louis made his comment about avocados. I would eat a small snack when I was in front of the boys on the more relaxed days to make sure they knew I was eating something but other than that I wasn't.

Two days ago during breakfast I made it a point that I was eating by cutting myself up an apple and covering the slices in cinnamon before offering Liam a piece. I knew that if I did this he would be less suspicious, and I was right.

"Umm, can I maybe just have some tea?" I asked shyly, very aware that all the boys had their eyes on me.

"Of course you can." Liam smiled before he turned around to make me a cup of tea.

"Thanks." I said after he handed me the tea.

It wasn't long before we had all finished our breakfast and were scrambling to find clothes and shoes. Unfortunately there wasn't a shower on the tour bus, only a toilet and small basin. So when we needed showers we had to enter the arena and shower in the allocated bathrooms.

Luckily for us there was a small area designated for the tour bus. There was an allocated entrance that we would enter through and find a small kitchen, a couple lounges and bathrooms. Each lounge was assigned to each bus; mine and the boy's bus, the band's bus and tour management's bus. There were four bathrooms. One was for the band, one was for the management team and the smallest one was just for me considering I was the only girl who was on the tour bus.

Other members of the boys staff were staying in nearby hotels instead of the buses because they didn't always have to be at the arena.

So some of us went and took morning showers while others got dressed and styled their hair, because according to Zayn and Harry that was the most important part of their day.


Finally it was show time and the boys were all standing side stage waiting to be given their mics. Once they were given them Paul called them over.

"Alright boys, I understand we're all excited for the first show but you need to make sure you're staying safe on that stage. There is security everywhere lined up all around the stage to make sure no fans jump up onto it. I'll be moving between the floor and side stage. If you need me just signal to a bodyguard and they'll radio me." Paul instructed the boys.

All five of them listened carefully. I too was standing in the little huddle listening to Paul's instructions. Once Paul had finished the boys moved to their starting positions waiting for the show to start.

"Y/n. You're more than welcome to stay side stage but there is also the VIP box if you'd like to watch from there. All the dressing rooms have monitors where you can watch the show from if the noise becomes too much. We have security everywhere so if you need anything or anyone just signal to us, okay." Paul gave me my own set of specific instructions.

"Okay, Paul." I nodded before I watched him leave.

Then the show began. The lights turned on and the music swelled. Fans were screaming and crying. They were so loud it was crazy. It hadn't even been five minutes since the show began that the noise was beginning to become too much.

Then Ben, the boys film director and producer, walked over to me.

"Here, put these in." Ben told me with a reassuring smile.

He had handed me a pair of ear plugs. I put them in and was flooded with relief. The screaming was muffled but not so much that I wouldn't be able to hear the boys perform. And so I watched the boys perform and let the rest of the night unfold.

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