14) Van Gogh

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Y/n's POV

Another day on tour with One Direction, another day filled with crazy fans. The band has three nights of shows in Amsterdam which meant that crowds of fans were crowding outside venues and the gates guarding our tour buses.

There isn't much privacy when you're constantly surrounded by crowds and large groups of fans screaming and trying to take photos of you every chance they can't. Some of them aren't even true fans. Unless you count posting mean things on the internet being a true fan. Sometimes they're really cruel but what's even crueler is how they stalk you and invade our personal space.

It's been two weeks since I spoke to Brittany and everything seems to be going well. Somedays are better than others but I still manage to eat something everyday and I'm making fast progress.

"Quickly Y/n! We have to go before these crowds get too crazy."

Today I was going sightseeing in the city. I was really excited. There are so many things that I wanted to see and do while I was here and today I finally have the chance. The boys had an early radio interview this morning so are exhausted, therefore resting. But they also have another interview booked for today as well which means that I won't have them following me around.

I still haven't spoken openly about the night I fainted. I don't even want to. But I've managed to keep myself a safe distance away from them and I don't give them the chance to talk about it.

They've tried many times but I always get out of the conversation which the boys have picked up on much to my relief. Because they now know that if they want to talk to me or spend time with me they should keep things light which is mostly what's helping me avoid the conversation. That and their busy schedules.

"I'm ready Paddy!" I called out to the security guard escorting me on today's adventure.

"Alrighty then, let's go have some fun." Paddy smiled at me before I climbed into the front seat and we drove through the large parted crowd of fans standing by the parking lot gates.


By midday Paddy and I had explored most of the city stopping at parks and walking along the designated trails taking pictures of the beautiful nature surrounding us. Preston had suggested a cafe where he took some of the boys a few days ago for lunch so we decided that would be the best place for lunch. Although we didn't stay long since someone had obviously posted a photo of us there and fans began to creep around and watch us eat.

I ended up ordering a toasted sandwich but only ended up eating half of it. The fans were the main reason I didn't get to finish but I honestly wasn't complaining. But Paddy made me promise him that I would eat something else a little later on.

Our next stop on today's adventure was the museum. I love art. I'm not the best drawer or painter in the world, I'm really more of a business woman. But I do appreciate the artistic skill it takes to use a paint brush like painters do, so Paddy took me to the Van Gogh Museum.

The paintings were marvelous. I could have spent my entire life staring at each of them. But unfortunately I didn't have my entire life to stare at paintings. Slowly Paddy and I made our way through the museum admiring the elegant pieces of work.

Somehow we had made it through most of the museum and Paddy decided it would be a good idea to stop at the cafeteria and have a snack. He said I could pick anything I liked. But I think he mostly said that so that I would eat something. The sight of all the food made me a little anxious, so I ended up deciding on a fruit salad and a hot chocolate which Paddy paid for before we went to find ourselves a seat.

As I sat there trying my best to eat my food I imagined what it would have looked like when Van Gogh was painting all these pictures. That kept me content until I felt my phone bus in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that Paddy had sent me a photo of me looking at one of the paintings. I smiled.

"I thought it would make a good photo." Paddy shrugged and I thanked him before opening instagram and deciding to post it.

I hadn't posted much of anything while on tour. I've been on twitter a few times an reposted a tweet one or twice. But I haven't posted anything since the beginning of the tour or posting arrivals into different cities on my story, so it was a nice change.

I posted the photo with the caption 'I would rather die of passion than of boredom - Vincent Van Gogh' , a quote none other than by the artist himself. I put my phone away and Paddy and I decided it would be best to go home now, after of course visiting the gift shop.


Once again Paddy and I had bought a sovenigher for pretty much everyone we knew we packed up into the car and made our way back to the arena where One Direction was performing.

While Paddy plugged in the aux cord and started playing some music I opened Instagram again. This time my feed was full of notifications from my post. I pulled up the post and went through some of the comments.

Ah! I can't believe I've stood in the same spot as Y/n Payne!! 😱

Maybe the boys were there as well!

You're so pretty 😆

Wow who knew she was into art

Why aren't the boys with her?

Say hi to Louis for me!! 😍

The way some of you think that her entire life is about her brothers band lol

Some of the comments were really sweet. Saying I was pretty or people fangirling over me. Then there were the comments about my brother and the other boys, which at this point is always expected especially considering I'm on tour with them.

Eventually we pull back into the parking lot where all the cars and tour bus are kept. I grab my stuff and souvenirs from the gift shop and make my way into the tour bus before stopping in the doorway and turning to Paddy.

"Thanks for today Paddy." I smile

"Not a problem, I had a great time. I'll see you at the boy's concert Y/n/n!" He calls.

"See you then." And I turn back and enter the bus.

The bus is empty, the boys must be at soundcheck. I place each of the souvenirs that I bought the boys on their beds before dumping my stuff on my own and begin scrourpidging through my suitcase for some comfier clothes.

Since I was sitting in the VIP box tonight by myself I culdn't be bothered staying in the jeans I was wearing. So I altered some trackie pants, a t-shirt and one of Liam's hoodies. I slid into my ugg boots, grabbed my phone and trugged over to the arena.

I was met by Paul who smiled at me and came over to ask about my day and organise my plans for tonight. I explained that my plan was to just sit in the VIP box most of the show and leave during the last few songs and head to bed before things get too crowded. Paul said that was a good idea and arranged for a member of security to escort me to the box where I enjoyed the boys show.

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