Chapter 9: The Mistake

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"Alright kids, show us what you've got." The leader of the college board said in a bored tone of voice.

"Okay!" Ford said enthusiastically. "Well, what would you say if we told you that the future of technology was beneath this sheet?" I pulled the sheet off dramatically.

"I'd say we wasted a car trip."

"What?!" Ford and I exclaimed as we looked at our broken project.

He fiddled with the machine as he panicked. "But it was stable yesterday! A fuse must've blown or something!"

  The man crosses our names off of his list.  "Kid, a perpetual motion machine has one job: to not stop.  I don't think you two are West Coast Tech material."  The college board walked off, muttering amongst themselves. 

  I rushed towards them.  "No, wait!  Don't go!  We worked so hard-"  A bag crinkled under my foot.  I picked it up.  A toffee peanut bag.  "Stanford..."  I turned towards Ford and handed it to him. 

  He growled.  "Stanley."

Stan's POV

  "One-paddle-paddle-paddle, two-paddle-paddle.  Man, that Jackie-O, what a fox."  I sat up when Ford came in.  "Hey!  What's the word, Sixer?"

"Can you explain what THIS was doing next to Y/N and I's broken project?" He seethed as he held up a bag of toffee peanuts. Crap.

I stood up. "O-okay. I might've accidentally been... horsing around-"

"This wasn't an accident, Stan! YOU did this!" Ford pointed at me accusingly. "You did this because you couldn't handle Y/N and I going to college without you!"

"Look, it was a mistake! Although... if you think about it... maybe there's a silver lining." I spread my arms wide. "Huh? Treasure hunting?"

"Are you kidding me?!" He shouted. "Why would either Y/N or I want to do anything with the person who sabotaged out entire future?!" Ford pushed me onto the couch, hard. I suddenly felt myself being picked up by the collar of my shirt.

"You did WHAT, you knucklehead?" Dad growled.

Ma came in with Shermie's kid. "Stanley, what's going on in here?" She asked worriedly as she tried to calm the baby down.

"Wait, no!" I cried out. "I can explain, it was a mistake!"

Dad dragged me down the stairs and tossed me out onto the pavement. "You ignoramus! your brother was gonna be our ticket outta this dump!" He yelled. "All you ever do is lie, cheat, and ride on your brother's coattails. Well this time, you cost our family potential MILLIONS. And until you make us a fortune, YOU'RE NOT WELCOME IN THIS HOUSEHOLD." He threw a duffel bag at me.

"What?!" I looked up at my twin's window. "Stanford, tell him he's being crazy!" He looked at his pamphlet sadly, then closed his curtains while avoiding my gaze. "S-Stanford, don't leave me hanging." I said while tears brimmed up in my eyes. "High six?" I held up my hand in a last attempt to get him to listen to me, but Ford never answered. I flinched as dad slammed the door shut. I clenched my fists. "Fine! I can make it on my own." I shook with anger. "I don't need you! I don't need ANYONE! YOU'LL RUE THE DAY YOU TURNED YOUR BACK ON ME!" I got into my car and slammed the door shut. Maybe I can talk to Y/N. She might know what to do. I sped off to her house.


I sighed as I looked at the WCT pamphlet. Not gonna lie, it would've been nice to see what the "best college in the country" was like. I knew not to get my hopes up though.

Suddenly I started to hear little "plinks" against my window. I looked outside and saw... "Stan?" I opened my window. "Stanley, why are you here? And why are you throwing pebbles at my window?"

He shushed me. "Can I come inside?" He whisper-yelled.

"Uh. Sure?"

He climbed in. "I gotta talk to you, toots."

"Why else would you be here, Stanley?" I crossed my arms.

He blushed. "Well..."

"Tsk. Never mind what I said. What are you needing to talk about?"

"I'm sure you already know that I'm the one who broke your project." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I do. And I forgive you."

"But it was a mistake and I- wait. You forgive me?"

"Of course I do. You're one of my best friends, Stan the Man. I know you wouldn't purposely break something that would mean a lot to your brother and I." I gave him a hug.

His tension seemed to melt when I wrapped my arms around his big frame. He hugged me back and I heard him starting to sniffle. "Thank you. You... you don't know how much that means to me." He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I could feel his hot tears getting on me as he hugged me tighter. "My dad... he... he kicked me out. Said that I gotta make a fortune before I even think about coming back. I... I don't know what I'm supposed to do." I felt him shake violently, trying to choke back his sobs.

I rubbed his back soothingly. "Shh... it's gonna be okay... I know you'll figure something out..."

He pulled away and put both of his hands on my shoulders as he desperately looked at me with watery eyes. "Run away with me."

I stared at him, at a loss of words. "W-what?"

"I-I know it sounds crazy. But... I can't do this on my own. No matter how hard I want to believe otherwise." His lip quivered. "Please."

This is completely out of character for him. He doesn't let people help him in times of need, nor does he ever say please. Oh god. Does he... "Stanley... I can't. I'm so sorry. This is something you have to do on your own. And I know you can do it. I have faith in you." I kissed him softly on the cheek and gave him a sad smile.

Stan looked away and sighed. "You... love him, don't you. Stanford."

"... I do." I spoke quietly.

His eyes held heartbreak in them as he looked at me again. "Please... look out for him, will you?" He started to go for the window.

"Stan, wait." I grabbed his arm. "Ford and I are going to Backupsmore University after we graduate. If you ever need to talk, please call me from there."

He simply nodded and left.


Here we are! I am getting excited for what's in store for this story! As always, comments and feedback are always appreciated. See you in the next chapter!

I did the math on what age Shermie should be in order to have 13 year old grandchildren by the time the actual show takes place, and he DEFINITELY couldn't have been a baby when Stan and Ford were seniors in high school.  So I've determined that Shermie must be older than them. 


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