Chapter 21: April 25th, 1982

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Two months later

  I groaned.  It was almost Teddy's due date and I honestly could NOT wait to get him out.  As much as I love you, you are making my back hurt and easily tired.  I was trying to help with the cashiering, but the waves of pain were starting to become unbearable.  "Stan, I think I need to lay down."  He looked over to me from where he was displaying our taxidermy hybrids. 

  He nodded to me before turning to the small group of people.  "Sorry to cut this tour short folks, but my wife needs me to take care of the gift shop.  Keep having a look around, why don't ya?"  Stan made his way over to me and kissed my cheek as he put his hand on my lower back.  "You need me to help you upstairs?"  He asked as he rubbed soothing circles on my back.  I nodded and he immediately started to lead me to the stairs.  A stronger wave of pain hit me and I couldn't help but cry out.  "Y/N, are you-"  he stopped as a look of realization washed over his face.  "Y/N... how long have you been getting these pains?"  He asked slowly. 

  "Umm... pretty consistently for the past hour but it's getting worse."

  His eyes widened.  "THE PAST HOUR?!"  He ran back to the into the gift shop and shouted.  "Everyone out!  The Murder Hut is closed until further notice!"  He flipped the sign on the door.  The tourists grumbled as they filed out of the house.  Stan rushed back to me.  "We need to get to the car.  Now."  He took my hand and lead me outside as fast as he could.  He looked at me with an exasperated expression.  "Y/N, you're such an idiot."  He helped me in and shut the car door. 

  As he got in I grabbed his arm.  "Stan, what the hell was that?  Why are you so frantic about me having cramps?" 

  "Y/N, you're in labor.  Now please let go of me so I can take you to the hospital." 

  "H-how do you know?"  I asked, now starting to panic.  "The water didn't break-"

  "It's uncommon for that to happen.  It didn't happen to Shermie's wife either.  She only got the cramping pains, same as you.  Now can we PLEASE go?" 

  I took a deep breath.  "Yeah."

Many hours of hell later...
(Because I don't feel like writing the gory details of childbirth)

  "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Pines.  You're son is perfectly healthy. Would you like to hold him?"  Dr. Rosenthal smiled as he held the newest addition to the Pines family. I wordlessly nodded. "Alright." He carefully placed the newborn into my arms. "Watch the head. He can't support the weight of it quite yet."

I looked at his small face. "Hi Theodore. It's so good to finally see you." My eyes were watering as I chuckled. "My little Teddy bear." I hardly paid any attention as Stan cut the placenta. I was too mesmerized by all of my son's tiny features.

"Alright, hon. We need to let you sleep now." A nurse approached me and gently took Teddy from me. I immediately started to feel distress as soon at I lost contact with him. The nurse gave a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, he isn't too far. You'll get to hold him again soon."

A wave of exhaustion hit me. "Stan... I don't wanna sleep..."

"Shh. It's okay, Y/N. He's going to be okay. I'll wake you up when they say it's time." I felt him gently kiss my forehead and squeeze my shoulder affectionately before I completely lost consciousness.

Stan's POV

I sat down.  I can't believe it. My nephew is finally here. I looked over to Y/N, who was lightly snoring. I felt my mood plummet. And Stanford isn't here to see it. He must be so devastated.  I sigh and rest my head in my hand as I watched Y/N sleep soundly.  Ford, wherever you are, I hope you know I would never abandon Y/N or Teddy.  Never in a million years.  I hear a soft knock at the door.  "Err... come in?" 

  The doctor came in.  "Mr. Pines, I have the birth certificate right here.  Just fill it out whenever she's ready."  He handed me the paper.

  "Thanks, Doc."

  Rosenthal nodded before leaving the room.  I look over to Y/N.  "I'll let you rest a bit longer."  I say softly.


  I woke up to someone gently shaking me.  "Hey.  They say he's getting hungry, so you need to wake up."  Stan said.  "But first... I'd like to take care of the birth certificate." 

  I yawned and slowly sat up.  "No Stan, we can't name him Sylvester just so that his nickname can be Sly." 

  He waved his hand dismissively.  "No, no.  It's not that.  I thought of a middle name for Teddy, since you couldn't seem to decide on one."  He grinned.

  I squinted at him.  "What is it?"

  "Just trust me." 

  I sigh.  "I'm too tired to argue.  You better not make me regret this."  I took the certificate and forged Stanford's signature. 

  Stan let out a low whistle.  "Damn, toots.  That look exactly like Poindexter's handwriting." 

  I shrugged.  "I figured knowing his handwriting would be handy for future use a couple years ago.  I guess I was right."  I filled out my signature.  "Okay.  Here you go."  I handed the paper back to him.  Stan's grin turned mischievous as he filled out Teddy's name.  Then he held it out for me to see.

  Theodore Bear Pines.

  I gave Stan a look.  "Seriously?" 

  "What?  It's a real name!" 

  "He is literally Teddy Bear Pines.  Legally." 

  "Yeah, so?"

  I sighed and facepalmed.  "He's so gonna hate you for this when he's older."

  Stan laughed.  "It's totally worth it."

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