Chapter 14: Home Again (part 2)

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"So Y/N, when are you planning on getting married?" Caryn asked as I was helping her prepare dinner.

"Well, Stanford and I have already picked up the application. We're going to bring it back to the registrar's office on Tuesday so that we can get the license on Friday."

She nodded. "Who will be your officiant?"

I smiled. "Oh, he's an old friend of Elise's. Pastor Thompson, I think is his name."

"It's a shame that you aren't going to do a ceremony, it would've been lovely to see." She sighed. "At least you two will be happy, that's all that really matters." Caryn gave me a side hug.

"We would've done a ceremony, but the only people Stanford and I really know is you, Filbrick, Elise, and a couple that we became friends with at uni.  Don't wanna spend a lot of money when there would just be eight people, including Ford, me, and the officiant." 

  She nodded. "Fair enough."  She handed me the plates and silverware.  "We can talk more about it later.  For now help me set the table, will you?"


Ford's POV

  I walked into the dining room right as Y/N was putting plates onto the table. "Need any help?"

She smiled. "I got it. But your mom might want some help bringing the food over."

"Alright." I kissed Y/N's cheek. "I love you."

I went in to find ma and Elise giggling over something. When did she get here? "Umm...Ma?" I said, trying to get her attention.

"Hmm?" She turned around. "Oh Stanford! Perfect timing!" She handed me a large bowl of pasta. "Bring this out to the dining table please." The ladies grabbed the spaghetti sauce and garlic bread.

"I totally forgot that tonight is spaghetti night." I said as I set the bowl down.

"That just means you've been away for too long." Ma chuckled. "I'll go get your father. All of you can dish up."

I sat down next to Y/N. "Did Ma interrogate you about us not having a ceremony?" 

  "She asked me about it, but she didn't exactly interrogate me." 

  Ma came in with Dad and sat down.  "Oh I forgot about the drinks!  Y/N, be a dear and please grab the glasses and our pitcher of water."

  "Of course!"  She immediately stood up and went to the kitchen.  Y/N came back after a couple moments and set everything down.  I immediately filled up my glass. 

  "So."  Ma turned towards us.  "Do you two plan on giving us grandchildren?"  She asked right as I started to take a drink.

  I sputtered and coughed before turning to Y/N, who was bright red.  "We... never talked about it."  I wheezed while still trying to catch my breath. 

  Ma chuckled softly.  "Sorry.  I just get excited about grandkids." 

  "Didn't Shermie already have a baby a couple years ago?"  Y/N asked. 

  "Well... yes." She replied. "But that doesn't stop me from being excited about having more little ones in the family!"

"We'll... uhh... get back to you on that once Y/N and I discuss it."

The rest of the meal was rather quiet, except for occasional short chats between Elise and Ma.

Y/N stood up and gathered everyone's dishes. "I can take care of washing everything off. Fordsie, wanna help?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. She probably wants to talk about what Ma said.

"Of course!" I gathered the rest of the dishes and followed Y/N into the kitchen. She started to rinse off the plates.

"So..." Yep there it is. "Are you wanting kids?" She asked quietly.

"Y/N..." I sighed. "I'm not sure. If we had a child, it would complicate our work."

"Stanford, I only majored for architectural jobs. I'd have the time to be a parent."

"But we have field research to do as well."

"Can't you do that on your own?"

"I could, but it would be safer to have you watch my back."

Y/N set the last clean dish down and turned towards me. "If you don't want kids, just say so."

I stared at my fingers. My freakish twelve digits. I then looked into Y/N's eyes. Her expression softened. "You're worried that they'll have it too, aren't you?"

"Yes." I said softly.

I felt her kiss my cheek. "We would make sure that they are well loved." She paused before sighing. "I understand that you probably don't want children at any point but... if you ever change your mind I'll be more than happy to start a family with you."

I gave her a grateful smile. "What did I do to deserve someone like you?"

She chuckled as she ruffled my hair. "You deserve it because you're you."

I wrapped her up in a tight hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Fordsie." She kissed me softly before stepping away. "Now let's go tell Caryn our decision before she comes in here." She took my hand and led us out to face my mother.


I had writers block again 😖. But I think this is a halfway decent chapter. I think I'll have an easier time writing the next chapter, but we'll see.


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