Chapter 28: New Friendships

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One week later

  "Y/N?  Where's the grizzly bear?"  Stan asked as he sat down on his designated chair in the living room. 

  "Teddy is out in the woods today.  He wants to study a unicorn's anatomy."  I snickered.  "I tried to tell him that they weren't going to let anybody near them, but he wouldn't listen." 

  "Didn't you say something like that to Ford on one of your field research days?" 

  I nodded as I broke into a mischievous grin.  "I sure did.  It should keep Teddy occupied for the entire day."

  "You're evil, you know that?" 

  Before I could react, I heard a knock on the door.  "I'll get that."  I walked to the door and opened it up.  There was two people waiting, hand and hand.  The male definitely had Pines boy features; thick brown hair, glasses, and a charming smile.  The raven haired female appeared to be in her second trimester of pregnancy. 

  "Hello, does Stanford Pines live here?"  The man asked.

I smiled. "He most certainly does. Come on in, Owen." I stepped aside so they could enter.

"Thank you, you're too kind." He said as I shut the door behind them. "You must be Y/N."

"Yep, that's me. And who is this lovely lady?" I turned my attention to his wife.

She held out her hand. "I'm Theresa. It's nice to meet you."

I shook it. "Likewise."  I steered them into the direction of the living room. "Please have a seat. Would you two like anything to drink?"

They sat down on the couch. "Water is fine for both of us, thank you." Owen said.

When I came back, Owen and Theresa were talking about their life in California. "Alright, what did I miss?"

Teddy's POV

Damn it! I thought as I tried to run after who I think I heard the other unicorns call Celestabellebethabelle. I thought I was careful enough!

"No one but the pure of heart are worthy to gaze upon me. Begone, foul human!" I heard a high pitched voice emanate from the unicorn.

I started slowing down, fatigue catching up to me. "I really... should've... listened to Ma." I panted.

"Yeah, you should've." I jumped in surprise when I heard a smooth voice come from behind me. I turned around to see a man casually leaning up against a tree. He smirked. "And the one you chose to chase? Worst one of them all. Pulls this whole 'only the pure of heart can be in my presence' bullshit. Just a scam to keep humans away." He chuckled. "Talk about tough luck, man."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked as I started to analyze the guy. Looks middle eastern.  Same age as me... never seen him before though. 

"The name's Isra." He started to approach me with his hand extended but I pulled out my crossbow and aimed it at him. He held up his hands, somehow still looking completely calm. "Dude. Really? If I was gonna hurt you I wouldn't have made myself known."

I eyed him warily. "What are you?"

Isra snickered. "No beating around the bush, huh? Let's make a deal. If you put away the crossbow and then I'll answer any questions you have regarding myself to the best of my abilities. Sound fair?" He stuck out his hand again.

"Hmph. Fine." I slung the crossbow onto my back. As soon as I shook his hand, an unnatural warmth washed over me.

"Thank you." He grinned as he let go of my hand. "I guess it's time for me to hold up my end of the deal." Isra then stuck his hands into his leather jacket pockets. "I'm a genie."

  I blinked.  "A genie."


  "That is... incredibly random.  Why are you in Gravity Falls?  I would think that genies would be populated in the Middle East." 

  "The few that are alive do live there."  He shrugged.  "After my father was freed from his lamp, he still retained some of his power.  Not in wish making, but in detecting other magical things, retaining vast knowledge, and having extremely good luck.  We have traveled all over the world together, but Gravity Falls has the highest concentration of magic that we've ever felt before.  So my father decided that we should settle down here about a month ago." 

  "You... are either very honest or extremely good at bullshitting."  I said blatantly. 

  He laughed at this.  "I like you.  You're funny." Isra pulled out a card from his jacket and handed it to me. "This is where my father's shop is now located and underneath is the business number. Come by or call if you would like to talk more. Ask for me specifically. My father will talk your ear off."

With that, he ran off toward the town before I could respond. I looked at the card. Ahmad's Shop of Wonders? Huh. Just might have to look into it.  I shrugged before walking back to the Mystery Shack.


I shut the door behind my nephew and his wife. I sighed as I turned back to Stan. "That went rather well, don't you think?" I said.

He nodded. "I can't believe we're going to have a great niece and nephew. Are we really that old?"

I laughed. "Stanley, we're about 46. It shouldn't be THAT surprising that new additions to the family are coming along." I sat down and smiled to myself. "Mason and Mabel are going to be a big part of our lives soon." (Yes, Dipper's actual name is Mason. I looked it up on the Gravity Falls wiki.)

Just then, Teddy came through the front door. I smirked. "So... how was your time with the unicorns?" I asked. He groaned in response. I snickered as he sat down next to me on the couch. I patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, Teddy Bear. There's plenty of other creatures out there."

He suddenly turned to me. "Did you know genies were real?"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I didn't, actually. They were never mentioned in the show." I leaned in closer to him. "Did you meet one when you were out there?" When he nodded, I beamed. "What were they like? What did they look like? Do they come in lamps? Why are they here? Do they-"

"MA." Teddy interrupted me as he put his hands on my shoulders. "Slow down." He reached into his pocket and handed me a business card. "They live in town, I figured we could visit tomorrow and find out more."

I studied the card for a moment before looking back at Teddy and nodding. "Let's do it."


Hey guys! I'm not dead yet! I'm so sorry it took so long to release this chapter, I had major writer's block for quite a while. BUT I'll do my best to be more consistent in releasing chapters.


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