Chapter 2

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Third POV

Hitoshi had been sitting in Hisoka's lap all day. He can't say that he recommends it. Hisoka had fallen asleep with his head buried in Hitoshi's neck around an hour ago. Hitoshi had tried to escape the psycho clown's arms multiple times within that hour, every time he tried the arms around his waist tightened their grip. Makes him wonder if the clown is really asleep or if it's just a natural reaction, it would be weird if it was.

He doesn't quite understand the clown's obsession with him, I mean sure he's had people after him because of his quirk before, but never like this. "Little kitten, stop moving so much~."

Hitoshi's reply was to jab his elbow into Hisoka's side.

Hisoka sighed. His little kitten doesn't seem to like him much. Speaking of which Hisoka never even got his name. 'Little kitten will do for now,' he mused.

Hisoka's POV

My little kitten is probably hungry, he hasn't eaten anything all day. I suppose I should get him something to eat. "Are you hungry little kitten~?" I asked.

He looked up at me, and gave a hesitant nod.

"Hmm, what to do~? How do I know you won't escape using your little powers~?"

He looked away.

"I will remove the muzzle, but at first sign that you're beginning to use your powers there will be consequences~ understand?"

He nodded.

Hitoshi's POV

He unlocked the muzzle and set it off to the side. It would be so easy to say something and escape. I just have to open my mouth to say something and hope he gives some kind of answer. "I know what you're thinking little kitten~, open your mouth to say even one word I'll put the muzzle back on and not let you eat or drink until I find a solution to this issue we seem to have~. And don't worry I won't let you die in this time period. I'll find a way to keep you alive~. I suppose I'll have around 3 days before you start needing water~."

Where's the nearest bridge so I can jump off?

"I'll be back little kitten~ don't leave the room, I'll know if you do~ ."

Why is he just leaving me here alone? Does he really think I'm not going to try to escape? Or is he hoping I try to escape?

Hisoka lifted me off his lap and got up to leave the room. I guess he's getting food. I approached the door he just left through and pressed my ear to it. " -stop mind control from working on a specific target~?"

That's Hisoka's voice, did he really just step outside the room to make a phone call? I guess he really was serious about trying to find something to block my quirk. Looking back on it I should've just lied about my ability, maybe then he would've left me alone. "Oh~ well isn't that interesting~?" I backed away from the door and moved to the window on the opposite side of the room. I slid the window open as quietly as I could hoping it wouldn't squeak. (I have the most annoyingly loud window 😕) As soon as I finished opening the window I looked out, the room I'm in seems to be around 200 floors up off the ground. Well then, escaping through the window doesn't seem like the best option.

"What is it you think you're doing little kitten~?"

I spun around so fast I almost fell out the window, well I would have if Hisoka hadn't pulled me into his chest. "The building we're in is called Heavens Arena~ there are 251 floors and the building is 991 meters tall~. You will find no escape out the window kitten~."

I shifted in his embrace, I should've just jumped when I had the chance I could've landed on a balcony or something and survived with a couple broken bones. I might've managed better if I had my capture tape but it's in my backpack, which is on a sidewalk back home.

Sacrificed, but still alive? (mha x hxh fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now