Chapter 11

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Some lines are taken from the anime

Read the previous chapter's A/N if you're confused :)

Hitoshi POV

The fights were all over. This whole fiasco should've been finished after Kurapika's fight but the prisoners aren't idiots. They know exactly what to do and say to get us to spend more time here. The pink haired girl especially. We lost 50 hours. I really should've just looked for a different trapdoor and not taken the one closest to the group. Gon's an innocent child who's probably never left home before, he reminds me of Hizashi (I never got around to calling him dad, but he is a father figure). Killua reminds me of my dad (Shouta). Kurapika is the brain of this operation, and Leorio the brawn (though there isn't really any brawn). It's the stereotypical set up that never fails, so I'm not worried about not passing, they're just really annoying. Though, Killua is someone I could potentially get along with.

A door opened on the left side of the center platform and a voice spoke over the speakers again, "Please cross the bridge, on the other side you'll find a small room. You will spend the 50 hours you wagered there."

"All right, let's go." Killua said. We all followed him to the room.

I looked around. It seemed comfortable enough. "Great. So, we have to stay in this room for 50 hours." Leorio groaned.

It was your fault, you imbecile.

"Killua," Kurapika started, "How did you do that just now?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"You removed the opponent's heart in a split second."

"Well, it's nothing special, I just ripped it out."

"That's all?"

"Well, I did manipulate my body a little bit, made it alot easier." Killua sharpened the nails on his hand. Huh, interesting. I'm thinking he's definitely related to Illumi. He looks like him if you squint, comes from a family of assassins and ran away. Illumi mentioned a missing brother once, I wonder if that's him. I obviously can't just ask Killua if he's a Zoldyck but I can text Illumi.

1 New Message from Hitoshi

Hitoshi: Do you have a brother by the name of Killua?

I do, why? :Illumi

Hitoshi: I'm doing this tower thing with him and 3 others.

I see. Mother wants me to bring him back home, I will most likely go home for a few days after this exam to do just that. Would you come with me? :Illumi

Hitoshi: Sure, I've got nothing better to do. Cya soon <3

"Hey! What're you doing Mr. Shinsou?" Gon asked, sitting down next to me.

I opened my notes app and wrote.

Texting, and drop the Mr.

"Oh, sorry Shinsou. Who were you texting anyway?"

"Gon, don't be rude." Killua said, coming to a stop in front of us.

"Ah, sorry," Gon rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I was just curious is all."

It's fine, I take no offense. I was texting a friend is all.

"Say, do you have any games on your phone?" Killua asked, "It's so boring here."

I do not, do something with Gon. He's so full of energy he might just explode.

Killua looked over at Gon, "Let's search the room and see if there's anything to play with." He finally said.

Sacrificed, but still alive? (mha x hxh fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now